The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 05-22-2022 at 6:09 P.M., the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center received a call for service.
The female caller reported her husband was on the family property vandalizing the property and burning items while armed with a rifle.
Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Deputies, along with CalFire personnel, Anderson Valley Fire personnel and California Fish & Wildlife Wardens responded to the location.
While responding to the location, the call was updated and the Deputies were informed the husband, Stacey Rose, had brandished the rifle and threatened to kill everyone on the property.
The Deputies arrived in the Boonville area and met with fire personnel and Fish & Wildlife personnel. The law enforcement personnel established a perimeter around Rose’s location.
The Deputies deployed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV); which quickly gained an aerial view of Rose. The Deputies were able to communicate with Rose through the UAV’s speaker and began giving him verbal commands.
At first, Rose did not comply with the verbal commands and continued to walk about the property. At one point Rose ran towards the residence where family members were taking refuge.
The Deputies responded to the main residence in an attempt to secure and protect the occupants inside.
Rose left the residence and walked to the rear of the property.
The Deputies continued to give verbal commands through the UAV speaker from a safe distance. Eventually Rose placed his hands in the air and complied with verbal commands to surrender himself as Deputies approached.
The Deputies interviewed one of Rose’s family members and learned a family member had contacted Rose to find out what was going on. Rose pointed an AR-15 style rifle at this family member and told him he would kill him and everyone else on the property. This caused the family member to be afraid for his safety and the safety of others.
The Deputies continued their investigation and located items of evidence; which included an imitation firearm; which replicated an AR-15 rifle. The Deputies observed the imitation firearm had been altered to disguise the red muzzle required by law to be visible.
As a result of their investigation, the Deputies developed probable cause to arrest Rose for 422(A) PC (Felony Criminal Threats), 20150(A) PC (Misdemeanor Obliterates Coloration Or Marks Applicable To Imitation Firearm), 148 PC (Misdemeanor Resist, Obstruct Public Officer) and 417.4 PC (Misdemeanor Brandishing Imitation Firearm).
Rose was booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held in lieu of $20,000.00 bail.
Stacey Rose is just another Ken Rex McElroy.