Scanner traffic beginning at 11:12 a.m. indicated Fort Bragg Police officers were actively negotiating with a subject on the Noyo Bridge who was threatening to jump off the bridge. Despite these attempts, they jumped.
The Incident Commander referred to efforts to recover “the body” implying the subject died as a result of the jump.
There are reportedly “a bunch of bystanders” who witnessed the incident and an officer is requesting crisis workers respond.
The subject landed in the area of the river bank and medical personnel were on site to address their injuries. The medical personnel staged below the bridge as officers worked to calm the subject and de-escalate the situation.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
Many aspects of the Emerald Triangle’s rural lifestyle lend themselves to suicide risk factors. Those risk factors, as described by the Center for Disease Control, include barriers to health care, social isolation, and high rates of adverse childhood experiences,
Please remember, if you or a loved one are suffering from mental distress there are many resources that can be accessed including:
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-6264, info@nami.org
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): (800) 662-4357
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): (866) 615-6464
- Mental Health America Hotline: Text MHA to 741741
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741
In efforts to educate the public regarding suicide prevention, the following infographic from the National Institute of Mental Health provides guidance in warning signs associated with suicide:

A fireman’s jumper vring might be a good idea in these situations.
When is the public going to stop allowing the bums to shit on the sidewalk
I’m done with the spamming. I welcome your comments, but you’ve hit this theme enough times. Anymore in this vein, and I’m gonna ban you.
Thankyou Matt. Please ban him. We’ve been waiting…
Please look at what you are saying in context. If your statement has to do with the above article and you are referring to the person who jumped as the “Bum” that is very disrespectful to those who tried to rescue the person, those who watched it all happen and those who lost a loved one. If this was some attempt at crude humor, why put it on here and be rude? This clearly not acomplishing what you are going for. If your actual concern it people who have no place to go to the restroom and just end up wherever why not try writing an article with some creative solutions. As far as Matt banning you if he ends up at that point what have you really accomplished as far as a public improvement?
We’ve done everything possible to make FB a great place to live. Your absence shows we are succeeding.
GL finding anywhere you fit in.
In your article you referred to the individual as “they”, they means more than one person. You should have stated ” he or she.” When in doubt of the gender say “he/she.” You should have better gramner skills to write articles. When I first read it I thought at least two people jumped.
From the APA: The singular “they” is a generic third-person singular pronoun in English. Use of the singular “they” is endorsed as part of APA Style because it is inclusive of all people and helps writers avoid making assumptions about gender.
“They” also protects the identity of the person(s) in question. It also allows privacy for the remaining family.
Sorry, but no matter how “they” try to spin it, “THEY” is third person PLURAL gender-neutral pronoun.
“They” is absolutely correct in this day and age. Thank you for reporting this story since I have not found it anywhere else. Sorry for the spammers.
Talk about “gramner” (grammar) skills, maybe you need to brush up on yours.
Matt’s the best. Very busy man, getting all these very detailed stories out to you nimrods, as quickly as he can. Up all night… Take a look at his bio sometime and all the community work he’s involved in as well. Matt and Kym are the best. Period.
Explain where u/it was written as “their injuries “ . There was only one jumper, right?
My husband and I are visiting/camping from
Santa Cruz and we happened to drive by as the gentleman was on the other side of the guardrail and the police officer was trying to talk to him. We are so sorry to hear that the man ended his life that way. Our hearts go out to him as well as the police officers and others who responded.
Thank you Matt for bringing us the coasts top stories as they happen. You’re doing a great job, dont listen to the negative comments. I really enjoy logging in to mendofever daily & getting my news from you.
“They” jumped? Was there more than one or are you just woke?
They has been used as a singular pronoun since the 1300s. Do some research.
How very sad and shocking, especially for the emergency personnel who were doing their best to avert such a tragic ending. My heart goes out to all of them, as well as the deceased’s family. We lost a beloved young family member to suicide. It is an agony beyond description, and I fear we will be seeing more and more people driven to desperate acts, in order to escape their unbearable pain. These are cruel times.
It’s very sad that a person ended their life. I feel bad for the family, first responders, and, the bystanders. As an aside, I wonder if having bystanders present, in any way, made the person feel that there was no possibility of having a change of heart.
I’m also sad that, once again, a news story was posted about something tragic, and, as often happens, comments, unrelated to the actual story, start flying back and forth, until the original story is all but forgotten.