Monday, September 16, 2024

Mendocino County: The CDC Says You Should Wear Your Mask Indoors Once Again


The CDC’s COVID-19 Community Levels are determined by three separate metrics: the COVID-19 case rate (cases/100,000 residents), the number of new hospital admissions per 100,000 people, and the percentage of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients

As Mendocino County residents get ready for their 4th of July weekend, the Center for Disease Control has recommended that residents return to masking indoors because the community level of COVID-19 is considered “high”. 

[Map from the CDC]

Mendocino County’s COVID-19 Community level designation of “high” is derived from the current COVID-19 case rate (328.53 cases/100,000 residents) and the number of new COVID-19 hospital admissions (19.6 hospital admissions/100,000 residents). While those numbers exceed the threshold to be considered “high”, only 6.2% of Mendocino County’s staffed inpatient beds are in use by a patient with COVID-19, considered “medium” by the CDC.

Once a county’s community level moves into “high”, the CDC recommends masking while in public places and public transportation making sure residents are up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccines, and getting tested if symptoms arise. Other suggested precautions include staying six feet away from others, avoiding crowds, and poorly ventilated spaces, and washing your hands often.

Mendocino County is not alone in this return to recommended masking. Neighboring counties like Lake, Trinity, Sonoma, and Napa. Virtually every county south of Mendocino has met the same fate as their case numbers creep upwards. A notable exception is our northern neighbor, Humboldt County, where the COVID-19 community level is considered “medium”.

Many residents might recall the dramatic effects of these designations earlier in the pandemic. Whether it be the closure of schools, gyms, and movie theaters or the return of the indoor masking requirement, at one point in our experience the virus designations offered by the California Department of Public Health or the Center for Disease Control had tangible effects on our life. Now, local and state public health entities have dialed back these interventions preferring to package them as recommendations. 

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In early March of this year, Mendocino County’s indoor masking mandate was rescinded. Shortly after masking was no longer required at K-12 schools. In early May, Dr. Coren warned the county of an uptick in COVID-19 cases characterizing the rise as “the beginning of a new wave of COVID.” Dr. Coren, similar to the CDC, recommended masking, vaccinations/boosters, and testing if symptoms appear.

Dr. Coren wrote in a letter to Mendocino County residents on March 4, 2022, why he had chosen to rescind the local indoor masking requirement, “Because our community has learned and continues to learn to cope with the pandemic.” In the same letter, he told residents that despite the requirement being rescinded, indoor masking is “still strongly recommended.”

From the Center for Disease Control to Mendocino County’s Public Health, health officials are approaching COVID-19 by educating the public with the most up-to-date information and recommendations so that the individual can choose what is best for themselves.

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  1. For the 4th of July weekend, unelected officials demand that residents return to masking indoors!

    The Health Department tosses cold water on the Fourth of July celebrations.
    Just in time to get ready for the next “Fake Elections” with fake mail in ballots galore.
    Everyone say: Bah Bah Bah through their mask by November, no in person voting.
    So much for Big Brother Joe’s vaccine – guess it doesn’t work
    Get your kids back home away from schools in September, no more socializing with others
    Just playing Grand Theft Auto and War games with mounting death tolls.

  2. Masks are completely useless in this context and I seriously doubt that even half the population would voluntarily comply. Can’t we get over this phony medical theater? Let’s focus instead on addressing the number of vaccine adverse events, such as myocarditis and Bell’s Palsy just to name a few. We’re dealing with a completely different injection here that does not even resemble a traditional “vaccine” and there was literally no testing done to determine its safety. Well folks, WE are the ferrets in this medical scam. “Follow the science” except that science in the world of capitalism follows the money every time.

  3. It is always important that I don’t wear a mask so I don’t inhale my spent carbon dioxide. I have zero fear of the Rona and while people going around putting on masks is goofy as #@$& that is their choice and that is what should have always hapend.

    Not everyone subscribes to the notion that a mask that has holes in the fabric far bigger than the virus is doing anything. Masks harm physically and emotionally and those who wear them are doing a dis service to themselves and the people who have to look at them in that ridiculous mental state.

    Sorry but not sorry. It’s disgusting.

  4. Do not comply. Get these public health tyrants off our backs. Especially the germ warfare criminal inhabiting CDC, NIH, NSF, Pentagon et al. Arrest Fauci and Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Gates, the entire global network of schemers. And to
    hell with the digital ID connivance.

  5. So the Southern border is wide open, and unchecked. People are coming into the U.S. without being checked for ANY illness, and someone wants to know why the covid is spreading again. WOW !!

    • “Covid” is not spreading. Your point is well taken. The open border reveals that the plandemic is a scam. Otherwise if this was as serious and real as the fear porn led us to initially believe, the border would have been slammed shut. Hell, these invaders come in without masks. We the victims of an enormous lie. We are witnesses also to the greatest catastrophe in medical history… massive numbers of the injected injured and dead. That’s what is spreading. Now they come for the children.

  6. Very interesting video. We are being scammed by a public health mafia. Canadian investigator exposes network of deceit. Massive conflicts of interest. Create a non-existent problem, a novel virus. Disseminate it. Create fear porn. Offer a solution. Create a “vaccine”. Kill and injure millions. Cover it up. Create new class of billionaires. Keep your children close.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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