Monday, September 16, 2024

Stack of Hay Bales Intentionally Set on Fire This Morning in Ukiah

The smoke plume rising from the hay bale fire in Ukiah this morning [Picture by Matt LaFever]

As the sun rose over the Ukiah Valley’s eastern hills this morning, Ukiah Valley Fire Authority responded to a stack of burning hay bales located in the field north of Kohl’s near the intersection of South Orchard Avenue and Ford Street.

This reporter was in the vicinity and sought the location after smelling smoke. On scene was UVFA Captain Skip Williams and several other firefighters mopping up the fire. 

The hay bale fire soon after UVFA personnel arrived on the scene earlier this morning [Picture from the UVFA Facebook page]a

Captain Williams told us that the hay bales were intentionally set on fire. He said that the hay bales had sat in the field for 3-4 weeks before an unknown person ignited them.

We initially asked if the fire could be a product of spontaneous combustion sometimes observed in the hay, which he said was not the case.

Firefighters mopping up the flames around 7:00 a.m. today

We have reached out to UVFA’s Battalion Chiefs to inquire about the investigation going forward and have yet to hear back as of the time of publication. We will update the article when that information becomes available. 

UPDATE 10:39 a.m.: Ukiah Valley Fire Authority Battalion Chief Eric Singleton told us investigators have fanned out to ask nearby businesses are residents whether they witnessed anything regarding the fire. He asked that if any members of the public have information about the fire please reach out to his agency at (707) 462-7921.

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    • YES , it did and I still have not found out the reason behind it……..
      I have seen this stack of hay for a couple of weeks now and wondered when it would get moved for the obvious reason.
      if anyone knows about the PV incident: PLEASE comment.
      Thanks !!

      • From what I’ve been told the PV hay fire was on a trailer being transported, likely the result of a chain sparking on the road. They are in no way related.

  1. Captain Williams told us that the hay bales were intentionally set on fire. He said that the hay bales had sat in the field for 3-4 weeks before an unknown person ignited them.

    Prior post:I have seen this stack of hay for a couple of weeks now and wondered when it would get moved for the obvious reason.

    My goodness HAYSTACKS out on farmlands!! Arrest the Farmer hints the City folk????

    Just chock it up to Global warming do not check Greenies and College professors out proving a point like last year!

    • No No, I meant the UKIAH haystack, and wondering how long it would sit there, as per Sheldon in the first comment. Could have been much worse a month from now. I was under the impression that the haystack in PV was indeed on a trailer but still in the field as well.
      Just a clarification.
      PLUS: Great fotos Matt !!


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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