The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 08-12-2022, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Adventist Health Mendocino Coast (Fort Bragg, CA) for a report of an adult male deceased with an apparent gunshot wound.
Through their investigation, Deputies identified the shooting location as being in the 31000 block of Highway 20 in Fort Bragg. Sheriff’s Detectives were contacted to respond to the scene and hospital to continue the investigation.
The deceased adult male was identified as being Daniel Shealor and following an autopsy on 08-17-2022 his death was determined to be a homicide.
Through follow-up investigations, multiple witnesses were identified. Over the course of the following two weeks, numerous interviews were conducted with Sheriff’s Detectives traveling throughout the Northern California coast attempting to locate these witnesses.
The investigation revealed probable cause to establish Shayne Wrede as the suspect in the shooting.
Sheriff’s Detectives were aware Wrede, who was currently out on bail, failed to appear at the Mendocino County Superior Court on 08-16-2022 for a scheduled court appearance (jury trial setting) related to a prior Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office case from 12-14-2020. For further information refer to the following link:
Wrede’s failure to appear on 08-16-2022 resulted in a felony arrest warrant being issued for his arrest.
On 08-25-2022, with the assistance of the US Marshal Service Pacific Southwest Regional Fugitive Task Force of the Northern and Eastern Districts of CA, Wrede was observed in the 3800 block of Roseville Road in Sacramento (California) at about 2:15 PM.
When US Marshal’s attempted to take Wrede into custody for his outstanding warrant and the pending homicide case, he fled from law enforcement personnel.
Based on circumstances of the active case with a weapon remaining outstanding coupled with his previous criminal history, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team was activated and responded to the location.
With the assistance of the Sacramento Police Department, Sacramento County Probation, Placer County Sheriff’s Office Air Operations and the US Marshal’s Task force, Wrede was eventually located in the general area where he fled at about 6:30 PM and was taken into custody without incident.
Wrede was transported back to Mendocino County and booked into the Mendocino County Jail for the listed charges, where he was to be held in lieu of $575,000.00 bail.
Sheriff’s Detectives are continuing to follow-up on leads related to this investigation and ask for the public’s assistance with regard to surveillance footage in the immediate area of the 31000 block of Highway 20 in Fort Bragg.
Anyone with information related to this incident is asked to contact Mendocino County Sheriff’s Detectives by calling 707-463-4086 or the MCSO Tip-Line at 707-234-2100.
In addition to the above-mentioned law enforcement agencies, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office would also like to thank the Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office, California Highway Patrol, Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office, Del Norte County District Attorney’s Office, Crescent City Police Department and the CDCR Pelican Bay Special Response Team for their assistance in this investigation.
Absolutely ridiculous! I am so sick and tired of our “justice system” here in Mendocino County! This guys bail must have been pretty low in order for him to have been able to be out and about to commit another crime. I know he hasn’t been convicted yet, but heck he didn’t even show to court for the offense he was out on bail for, most innocent folks would have shown up to clear their names!
I don’t understand how this country continues to have low bail amounts so folks can just skate out of jail and commit other crimes, this lovely specimen of humanity should have never been out due to his past criminal record. Remember those 5 dudes from Mississippi and Atlanta that just shot up Willits, had a car chase to Redwood Valley and had marijuana, cash and weapons on them, slapped with 25K bails and are now back safe and sound in the south. Do you think those folks are coming back?
How about the young man who was out on bail for beating his wife? He was out on bail when he then killed his wife! Yes, he was convicted of killing her!!!
How about the disgraced ex-cop Murray and the shenanigans going on with that case?
The judges and DA in this county suck. I count down the days until I can leave here. I never feel safe in our crime addled county and it’s a damn shame! It’s beautiful and I feel like crime has gotten completely out of control here and part of the problem is the punishment never fits the crime and it’s a revolving door of the same clowns over and over again! Just check the sheriffs booking log on the daily and you will see the same knuckleheads in and out, in and out!!!!!
Well, the courts let him out.. blood is on their hands again! They allow this to happen over & over again. I’m not shocked
He is guilty for the first crime. He ran a motorcyclist at high speeds and killed him. He’s not denying it. Now he has ended another man’s life. Who’s next…. I hope the law gets it together and fast…. The community will not be safe if they let him out on the streets again. For this second crime he has a bail unbelievable….
So sad that so many families are leaving California because we just don’t feel safe anymore.
Really Mendocino county law in forcemeat is a real piece of work,he was looking at four years for running my brother over and then backing up and running him over again. I miss my brother and I’m not going to be surprised if he gets out again look at his ball now I mean he shouldn’t even have a bill at all plain and simple I mean he’s going to get out and kill somebody else what do you think I don’t think it’s right
It’s not law enforcement that is responsible for letting him out.
Hey how is that revolving door justice going for you here in progressive Mendocino.
Don’t blame law enforcement, they made the arrest.
Blame the judges that set ridiculous bail or no bail.
Feel safe? Then keep voting progressive and letting killers roam!
Why is so much slack for a murderer allowed only resulting in him killing another person lock these people up and don’t let them out no Bail no Bail no Bail no bail.
Every crime wrede committed was violent and with weapons he should have been in prison for life along time ago he now has killed two people and destroyed families and your telling me they set a bail again for him what is going on how many people have to die before this low life gets what he deserves. I heard all the helicopters going over my house and the police saying they are looking for a felon stay inside and lick your doors they had the dogs going yard to yard they found him not far from my house I had no idea it was the same guy that killed my nephew on Christmas Eve. Why was he so close to my house. They better not let him out.
They better not let him out again !!!!!!