Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mendocino County Invites Residents to Participate in Operation Green Light to Honor the Service of Veterans

The following is a press release issued by the County of Mendocino:

The Russian River Cemetary Veteran’s Day Ceremony in 2021 [Photo by Peter Armstrong’

Each year we come together as a nation on Veterans Day to honor and celebrate the hundreds of thousands of brave Americans who have served our country in uniform. Now more than ever, our veterans need our support. In a time when our country is divided on many issues, we can all agree that those individuals who risked everything to protect our country and our way of life deserve support and gratitude. 

That is why this year, Mendocino County is joining our colleagues across the nation in launching Operation Green Light for Veterans, an initiative designed to shine a light on the service of our veterans and their families. As part of Operation Green Light for Veterans, Mendocino County is illuminating the Veterans Memorial buildings green beginning on November 7th through November 13th, and we encourage individuals and businesses to join us by changing one light bulb in the entryway of your house or business to a green bulb. By shining a green light, we let veterans know that they are seen, appreciated, and supported. While this event is focused on the week of Veterans Day (November 7th-13th), we encourage individuals to continue to shine the light year-round. 

Operation Green Light is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the resources available to veterans and their families. Here in Mendocino County, we are proud to serve approximately 7,000 veterans through The Mendocino County Veterans Services Office. Throughout the year, our county staff are busy connecting our veterans to earned benefits, helping them manage employment needs as well as helping them find veteran peers who can assist with the transition back to civilian life. Veterans and family members can learn more about available services at The Mendocino County Veterans Services Office. This Veterans Day, join us in shining a light of hope and support. Join Operation Green Light and let’s turn Mendocino County green for our veterans. 

“I am proud to have the opportunity to work with our Veterans by assisting them with accessing earned benefits and services. This Veterans Day, we honor their sacrifices, patriotism, and bravery by participating in OPERATION GREEN LIGHT,” shares Stephen White, Master Sergeant (retired), USAF and Mendocino County Social Services Deputy Director Adult & Aging Services.  

Mendocino County Veterans Services Office may be contacted for services and supports at (707) 463-4226. If you would like information on Mendocino County Department of Social Services, Veterans Services Office, please visit https://www.mendocinocounty.org/government/social-services/veterans-services

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