Monday, September 9, 2024

Mendocino, Sonoma, Lake, and Humboldt County Tribes Recieve State Funding to ‘Prevent and End Homelessness’


The following is a press release issued by the Office of California State Governor Gavin Newsom:

[Image from UC Hastings Law]

Governor Gavin Newsom today announced $47 million in new funding for California tribal nations to support their efforts to prevent and end homelessness and meet the housing and services needs of their communities.

The awards include $20 million in tribal homeless assistance grants from the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH) to fund projects in 16 tribal communities across the state, and four Homekey awards from the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) totaling $27 million to fund 75 homes for members of four tribes, including homeless youth.

“California is investing in getting people off the streets and into safe housing throughout the state with a particular focus on Native Americans and populations disproportionately impacted by homelessness,” said Governor Newsom.

The tribal grants program was created by Governor Newsom and the Legislature to provide flexible funding to support the efforts of California tribes to address homelessness in their communities. An additional $20 million in tribal grants will be awarded in 2023.

“Tribal nations in California have been actively working to address housing insecurity, overcrowding and homelessness, but funding for housing and homelessness has often been an obstacle,” said BCSH Secretary Lourdes Castro Ramírez. “We heard that loud and clear through consultation and listening sessions held by our teams. We believe that these new direct resources will lead tribal leaders to move more quickly in meeting the unique challenges faced by members of their communities. We are committed to supporting the priorities laid out by tribal leaders and these grants will help address specific needs identified by the Tribal leadership. We look forward to expanding this partnership in the future.”

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California’s nation-leading Homekey program has been one of the state’s most successful innovations to rapidly house people experiencing homelessness, by public and tribal entities purchasing existing buildings or manufactured homes. Since its inception, Homekey has funded more than 200 projects that when complete will provide more than 12,500 temporary and permanent homes for Californians experiencing or at risk of homelessness. More than 140 homes have been funded in partnership with tribes.

“HCD’s California Indian Assistance Program’s mission is to provide technical assistance to tribal partners to ensure access to housing funds and programs, including Homekey,” said HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez. “These four Homekey projects announced today are just the beginning–HCD will continue to collaborate directly with tribal communities and partners to meet their unique housing needs.”

Today’s announcement includes the following HHAP grants:

  • The Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians, Lakeport, will receive $5.2 million to create 65 housing units along with classrooms and support spaces for youth experiencing homelessness in Lake and Mendocino Counties.
  • The Cahto Tribe of Laytonville Rancheria will receive $2.6 million to create a wellness and resource center in Mendocino County.
  • The Round Valley Indian Tribes, Covelo, will receive $2.5 million to expand infrastructure to support new permanent housing for tribal members in need.
  • The Pit River Tribe, Burney, will receive $2.4 million to support rapid rehousing, services coordination and homelessness prevention efforts.
  • The Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, Santa Rosa, will receive $1.2 million to improve data collection efforts and systems that serve tribal members experiencing homelessness statewide with designated service areas in Sonoma, Mendocino, Contra Costa and Lake Counties.
  • The Tolowa Di Nee’ Nation, Smith River, will receive $1 million to support rapid rehousing and case management for tribal members along the North Coast of California and South Coast of Oregon.
  • The San Pascual Band of Mission Indians, Valley Center, will receive $790,000 to assist tribal members experiencing homelessness.
  • The Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me Wuk Indians, Jamestown, will receive $630,000 to support interim shelter and street outreach in Tuolumne County.
  • The Pala Band of Mission Indians will receive $610,000 to support housing efforts on the reservation.
  • The Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria will receive $610,000 to support their transitional shelter.
  • The Yurok Tribe, Klamath, will receive $570,000 to assist with rapid rehousing, case management, outreach and youth engagement.
  • The Torres Martinez Desert Band of Cahuilla, Thermal, will receive $540,000 to support housing, shelter and services for members experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
  • The Wilton Rancheria, Elk Grove, will receive $460,000 to support efforts to assist tribal members experiencing homelessness.
  • The Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria, Loleta, will receive $340,000 to aid with rapid rehousing and other services for members experiencing homelessness.
  • The Guideville Rancheria, Talmage, will receive $250,000 to leverage Homekey funding in the construction of 16 units for youth experiencing homelessness.
  • The Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake will receive $250,000 to support housing efforts within the community.

The Homekey awards announced today include:

  • The Wiyot Tribe will receive more than $14 million to purchase, convert and operate an office building and two single-family Victorian-style homes into 39 interim and permanent units serving homeless youth and one manager unit, to create the Jaroujiji Youth Housing Project in Eureka. This project was fully funded through the Homekey youth set-aside.
  • Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians will receive nearly $6.6 million for the acquisition of a 15-apartment complex, its rehabilitation and operations in Lakeport.
  • Guidiville Indian Rancheria in partnership with Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority will receive nearly $4.6 million for the construction and operations of 16 new units in Ukiah. The site will include a community garden and electric trike sharing.
  • Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority will receive $1.9 million for the new construction and operation of four permanent affordable homes for chronically homeless individuals in Hopland.

Cal ICH staff will continue to listen to and support the tribes as they implement their funded projects, and technical assistance will be provided as needed. Grant recipients will provide Cal ICH with quarterly and annual progress reports.

The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) will release a third round of Homekey funds in early 2023 after receiving stakeholder feedback for potential revisions.

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  1. This is so disgusting and sad for the people who are not native and are desperately in need. The natives get housing and get homes beautiful ones at that and they completely ruin them and are now getting more housing and government money…ect what about all the people who are in dyer need who as I said aren’t native Americans?!?!

    • Well Sarah, considering the FACT that native Americans had THEIR lands stolen from them by white immigrants over the centuries , these grants to build housing for their homeless people seem to be fair treatment after centuries of mistreatment. Maybe you should stop acting so disgustingly racist Sarah.

      • So old ukiahan you must be a native then to take that side. I think you guys have enough help from your tribes. Times have changed what happened in the past with land is in the past now here we are all struggling and California is willing to help liars when they have help from there people! How about California helps everyone instead of the people feeling left out of help

      • Designated get kicked backs from the casinos along with homes provided already we don’t even have a homeless shelter anywhere in Mendocino county. What about doing something like that for everyone

      • Not native at all, of course you would assume that from your narrow perspective. I’ve seen how local natives have been treated over the decades.You call them liars? So you must be a white racist to take that side? Funny how you assume and go on and on with your racist blabber.

  2. ?God bless all the inhabitants of the Earth. Help us to Love One Another. ?????

    I can’t change history, but I can do something about TODAY.

    ?Peace and Love to every race. God help us to Love one Another. And care for one another. And for our Creator’s Earth that we have been born into. ?????

    ?I love every race. God made us all special and unique. Love One Another! ????

    Don’t hate one another. Start forgiving each other and hate will be conquered. Love and Forgive.

    Love God, Love People. ?????

    Native Americans, I am sorry for all the injustice you have suffered. I humbly ask you to forgive me. And not just me, but all that have committed atrocities and crimes against you. I care about you and I want you to receive healing from the past. I can’t help wondering what would happen if some ceremonial forgiveness began to take place. Please consider what I’m saying. Peace & Love. Prayers. ?

  3. Taxpayer money builds a wall to keep the homeless off the 101 freeway in Ukiah. That is how Mendocino County helps the poor. The fire north of Orr Creek was started by homeless chased off of Orr Creek campsite. Every worthless homeless person owns a bic lighter. “Resentment is the most precious flower of poverty, Yeah.” Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter


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