The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

The City of Ukiah announces that three vacancies on the Planning Commission will be going before the City Council for consideration of appointment.
Any qualified individual who would like to make a difference in his/her community and is interested in serving for a four-year term, may apply for this vacancy. The candidate must reside within the city limits of Ukiah; there is a time commitment of approximately five to ten hours per month; and the position comes with a monthly stipend of $100, paid twice a year. Applications can be obtained from the City’s website ( or requested by emailing or calling 463-6217 for an application to be emailed, mailed, or faxed to you.
The submittal deadline is Friday, January 20, 2023, at noon. Applications can be mailed (City of Ukiah, ATTN City Clerk, 300 Seminary Ave., Ukiah CA 95482), faxed (707-463-6204), or emailed ( to the City Clerk’s office. Applications will be considered by the City Council at a date to be announced, following the deadline. At that time, Council will consider the applications and possibly interview potential candidates.