The following is a press release issued by the Ukiah Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 12/28/2022, Ukiah PD recovered a stolen vehicle with the assistance of the Flock license plate reader (LPR) camera system. At about 1543 hours, Flock alerted UPD officers, informing them of a stolen 2007 Toyota Camry in the city limits. Del Norte SO entered the Camry as stolen on 12/26/2022. The owner reportedly parked and secured his vehicle on 12/26/2022 in Crescent City and the vehicle was taken without permission by KC Stillwell while he had slept.
An officer located the vehicle as it was parked in the parking lot of Lucky’s, 504 E. Perkins St., and provided updates to other officers as he watched the driver and passenger. With the assistance of UPD detectives and the Mendocino County Major Crimes Task Force, UPD initiated a high risk stop in the parking lot. The driver and passenger were compliant with officers’ commands and were taken into custody without resistance.
The driver was 29-year-old female, KC Stillwell, from Covelo who claimed she was recovering the vehicle for the victim. The passenger was Michael Cady who said he was picked up by Stillwell in the vehicle from McKinleyville and they were coming to Ukiah to visit friends. Stillwell had an outstanding warrant in Mendocino County for failing to appear in court for a previous vehicle theft. Stillwell and Cady were booked at Mendocino County Jail, each having a $15,000 bond
The Flock LPR system continues to aid officers in their service to the community.
As always, UPD’s mission is to make Ukiah as safe a place as possible. If you would like to know more about crime in your neighborhood, you can sign up for telephone, cellphone, and email notifications by clicking the Nixle button on our website;
Shes a good samaritan. Whats the problem ?