The following is a press release issued by the Bureau of Land Management:

The Bureau of Land Management is welcoming public comments on a business plan that would increase camping and wilderness backpacking fees to provide for expanded visitor services and continued maintenance levels at the King Range National Conservation Area’s visitor facilities on California’s North Coast.
The business plan proposes increasing campground fees from $8 to $15 per night in the four developed campgrounds and setting a $12 per-person, per-trip fee for overnight wilderness use.
Details about the proposed changes, the rationale for them, and financial analysis are available in the proposed business plan at
Anyone interested can send comments to, or by sending comments to Bureau of Land Management, Arcata Field Office, 1695 Heindon Road, Arcata, CA, 95521, attention: King Range Business Plan. The comment deadline is May 22, 2023.
The King Range NCA encompasses 68,000 acres of rugged forested public lands along 35 miles of the North Coast. It was the nation’s first NCA, established in 1970. Recreation visitors enjoy four campgrounds, four coastal access sites, 85 miles of wilderness trails, 24 miles of mountain biking trails and 41 miles of back country roads.
In addition to providing for recreation access, the BLM partners with government and private organizations in efforts to conserve critical forest and stream habitats.
They shouldn’t charge at all. This is already paid for land. Taxes should be earmarked for this. People on fixed incomes have little they can afford, but camping should be one of them. These parks, forests don’t exist to make money. We subsidize the wealthy and yet refuse to help ourselves.
Aren’t we already paying for this with the honor system? Last time I went to Usal it was a party scene, and another time some asshole put a dead elk’s head on a stick at the beach for us all to marvel at nature’s beauty. Maybe before raising prices provide the basic service of sending a ranger through for busy weekends just to provide a sense of safety.