A vehicle struck a guard rail on Highway 20 near Lake Mendocino blocking the eastbound lane and requiring one-lane traffic control. No injuries are reported, but first responders are converging to clear the roadway of 185 feet of damaged guard rail.
Scanner traffic and the California Highway Patrol Traffic Incident Information page indicate the collision occurred around 9:54 p.m. causing the vehicle to hop the guardrail sending debris all over the roadway.
The Incident Commander said the scene was “a mess” and warned that traffic is driving toward the debris-strewn roadway at high rates of speed and asked CHP to manage incoming drivers using flares.
The Caltrans quick map indicates traffic is slowed in the area as of 10:19 p.m. and images from the scene show cars lining up waiting for the roadway to clear.
UPDATE 10:42 p.m.: The Incident Commander has confirmed no one was injured in the accident.
The Caltrans Quickmap indicates that traffic is still impacted as of 10:43 p.m.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.