Sunday, January 12, 2025

With Shelters At Capacity, Mendocino County’s Animal Care Services Can Deploy Euthanasia for Space


The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County’s Animal Care Services:

One of the kittens up for adoption in Mendocino County’s Animal Care Services [Picture from their Facebook page]

Animal Shelters & Animal Rescues throughout the country are experiencing unprecedented times.  The majority of the Animal Shelters & Animal Rescues are filled up with animals and have very little available space for other stray animals to come into their facilities.  Hundreds of Animal Shelters are now facing the reality to having to euthanize animals for space. 

Mendocino County Animal Shelter dog kennels have been at almost 100% occupancy for many months and this is the new norm.  Dogs are staying here longer, not being reclaimed by their owners and not being adopted.  When this bottle necking affect occurs and dogs are not leaving it places the Animal Shelter in the difficult position of euthanizing healthy dogs to make room for the other free-roaming stray dogs to come into the Animal Shelter. 

What makes the situation worse is when citizens opt to embellish, lie or deceive on the circumstances of the stray dog in order to get the dog picked up by Animal Protection or impounded at the Animal Shelter as a drop-off.  As an example we had a couple come to the Animal Shelter this past week and state they found this “stray” dog.  When Animal Shelter staff scanned the dog for a microchip the microchip came back registered to the couple. 

If you find a stray dog please be prepared to hold the dog for several days if the Animal Shelter is full of dogs.  With your assistance, we can upload a picture of the dog on our Lost & Found” webpage in an effort to get the dog reconnected with their owner.  When kennel space becomes available we will contact you to bring the dog to the Animal Shelter.  If you are adamant that we take the stray dog, other shelter dogs are subject to be euthanized for space to accommodate the stray dog.

When judging or criticizing the Animal Shelter if euthanasia for space has to take place please remember the decision is not an easy one, we have exhausted all our available options and your fellow county residents that have failed these animals are responsible for the unfortunate outcome.   

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When there is posting on our website indicating that the dog kennels are full, we need immediate assistance with owners reclaiming their stray dogs asap or we are running an adoption special to free up kennels space.  Please note that if there is minimal response from the community then healthy dogs will be euthanized for space to free up dog kennels in order for us to take in more stray dogs.  In the past we were able to work with other Animal Shelters & Animal Rescues in transferring dogs to them but due to their facilities also having a high occupancy rate this is not option. 

This posting is to make the citizens aware that we are doing the best that we can but there are many variables causing this situation and unfortunately, there are not a lot of answers thus we need the community’s assistance.   

Thank you.

Animal Care Services

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  1. So sad that the human race is so empty to allow the suffering of creations grift. To not nurture these poor creations then to heartless allow to suffer. These people need to be hold accountable for their selfish acts

  2. Being a fellow rescuer, the situation is the same in the valley. Be responsible! Don’t get a pet if you can’t take care of it FOR LIFE! GET IT SPAYED OR NEUTERED!!

  3. So many shelters are overflowing, one shelter I know of is asking people to foster the animal they have found, which is a good idea as was mentioned in your article. I think a lot of animals are given up due to not being able to buy food, I have three rescue dogs and my dog food monthly bill is expensive, wish some of the food banks would give out dog n cat kibble, that would help some folks. No one wants to have to euthanize animals. Thank you for reaching out to the community.

  4. Thank you ACS for doing a job that most of us couldn’t do. I can’t imagine how difficult this situation is for people who want to help animals.

  5. As of July 1st, the County closed its animal rescue facility on the Coast. However, the Mendocino Coast Humane Society has offered to take on more animals if the County agrees to let it collect revenues from license fees to pay for the additional cost. To date, the County has refused.

    • You’d think the county would be more than happy to do that with the humane society. The county is a hot mess! They are in a hole and just digging it deeper through mismanagement and overspending! Animals are not one of thier necessary expenditures obviously!

  6. This is a direct result of the bums and tweekers in our county that cannot take care of their animals. How about we start euthanizing the sex offenders, human traffickers, repeat offenders to keep our families a little safer and to free up space in the Mendo Jail.


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