A vehicle pursuit occurred this evening in Round Valley.
Scanner traffic beginning at 9:21 p.m. indicated a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office deputy had a vehicle pulled over on Crawford Road and the driver took off. The original reason for the traffic stop is unknown at this time.
The dispatcher told the deputy the subject had outstanding warrants.
As of 9:27 p.m., the pursuit was in the area of Crawford Road and Refuse Road with speeds upwards of 80 miles per hour. The subject reportedly drove into a creekbed and afterward, the deputy lost sight of the vehicle.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
I always loved cowboys and indians as a kid.
He’s only gotten away to be caught eventually, funny thing about outstanding warrants, they don’t go away ever!