The orange glow of the Super Blue Moon shined down on Mendocino County last night and will continue until Friday morning, September 1.
NASA estimates you won’t get another chance to see a Super Blue Moon until January 2037
A blue moon is not named for its color, but for the fact it is the second full moon in one month’s time. The smoky skies ensured last night’s moon glowed orange foretelling autumn and the approaching harvest.

This month’s other full moon occurred on August 1 and was referred to as the Sturgeon moon. Only 3% of full moons are blue moons, according to NASA.
A full moon is dubbed “super” when the celestial body is closest to Earth. Due to its elliptical orbit, the moon’s distance to Earth varies and when it is closest, the moon appears larger and brighter.
Make sure to check out the Super Blue Moon before it’s gone. Moonrise is predicted around 8:04 p.m. and will rise above the southeastern horizon.
Climate Advisory Committee? Please continue to disband these pointless bureaucratic committees and their costly wastes of time. The amount of financial waste disclosed in this article is completely unacceptable and should be immediately terminated. There are so many citizens truly in need of financial assistance that to continue wasting taxpayer funds on bureaucratic baloney borders on the criminal. Congratulations on recognizing the waste here, but please terminate such outrageous budget failure immediately. It is truly embarrassing!
Everybody needs money your baloney is another’s burden. Care about everyone, use your brain ??
Has anyone else noticed that smoke is now reported on as weather?