Over two years have passed since criminal charges were filed against David Charles Ryan, a prominent local realtor who was arrested by the Ukiah Police Department and accused of felony sexual penetration with a foreign object and burglary.
Rather than face a jury of peers, Ryan stood alongside his attorney Justin Petersen this week in front of Mendocino County Superior County Judge Keith Faulder and pled no contest to felony sexual assault and burglary.
As a result, Ryan has been sentenced to serve 360 days in the Mendocino County Jail, he is required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and will be monitored by a probation officer for two years after he is released from the county jail.
Before his arrest, Ryan was a prominent name in the Mendocino County realty scene, according to his LinkedIn profile. In his “About” section on LinkedIn, Ryan states he had been selling homes in Mendocino County since 1988.
The public first caught wind of his arrest from a press release issued by the Ukiah Police Department published in August 2021 stating he was arrested at his home for felony residential burglary, penetration with a foreign object, and sexual battery. One misdemeanor was also listed for child endangerment which was inexplicably dropped later on.
For the first time since his arrest, the public got an insight into his crimes in the form of a victim impact state read to the court by his victim, a woman Judge Faulder insisted be referred to as Jane Doe.
Standing a dozen feet from her abuser, Doe told the court, “I have been waiting for this day for more than two years. I had hoped, Mr. Ryan, you could put aside your ego and arrogance, and admit what you did to me on August 17, 2021, in the sanctity of my home with my then 7-year-old next to me in my bed.”
Her revelation that a 7-year-old child was lying next to her while Ryan perpetrated the sexual assault could give insight into why he was initially charged with misdemeanor child endangerment.
Jane Doe went on to say, “The attorney and private investigator hired by you attempted to try to turn the blame of your act on me or discredit my character in any way possible. They contacted former coworkers, past relationship partners, and anyone they thought may be able to aid them in shifting the fault to me.”
With the requirement that Ryan must register as a sex offender, Jane Doe said, “You will no longer be able to conceal your acts of sexual violence” nor practice real estate which she said is a “blessing for this community”
Her final words to the court were: “I’ve moved forward in my life as this chapter is ending and can finally feel I have achieved some measure of closure. David Charles Ryan, your hell is just beginning.”
After Jane Doe read her statement to the court, Judge Faulder commended her courage saying, “It is not easy to make this kind of statements. I hope you can live the rest of your life with dignity and self-respect.”
Here are some of the notable conditions of Ryan’s probation:
- Ryan is required to get written approval to leave the State of California.
- He must abstain from alcohol and drugs including entering any drinking establishments.
- He will submit to drug testing.
- He is required to allow inspection of his electronic devices “for the purpose of monitoring any contact with the victim.”
- He is prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition.
- Ryan will be evaluated by a substance abuse specialist, complete substance abuse treatment, and enroll and participate in a sex offender treatment program.

Ryan’s recent criminal behaviors come 25 years after four women went public recounting their experience with his untoward sexual advances. Reporting from the Ukiah Daily Journal in 1998 described the allegations of those four women.
One woman claimed Ryan entered her home in the dark of night and entered her bedroom.
Another woman claimed Ryan harassed her for three years regularly pounding on her door in the middle of the night asking for sex.
One woman claimed Ryan arrived at her home late in the night asking to use the bathroom. She heard him make his way to her bedroom where he was naked and tucked into her bed.
Ryan allegedly began to sexually harass a client after helping her and her husband purchase a home. The advances stopped after the husband confronted Ryan about the behaviors.
David Ryan is a monster, a predator who deserved way more than one year in jail. He has stalked the women of Mendocino County for almost three decades. Not only does he have complaints of terrorizing women spanning almost 30 years, he has arrest records for various other things. The sad thing is that many people in this town knew about his predatory behaviors. W REAL ESTATE should be ashamed of themselves for employing someone like this. Rumors of his predatory behaviors circled for decades and people turned a blind eye, as did friends and family members. I’m glad he will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life so at least there is some sort of protection for the poor women and children of this community. I hope people remember that when they buy the honey named “Mendocino Gold” you are supporting this man as he is the owner; a PREDATOR AND REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER.
Registering as a sex offender does not protect anyone. Leaving him in jail the rest of his life will.
I know from experience that if a registered sex offender wants to he or she will do what they want.
These type of males make me sick!! What a gross piece of scumbag. He needs to be locked up for longer than just a year
This sentence does not equal his crime.
Given his prior record, he should be, at least given life in jail. No plea deals
Defund the politicians.
This just sickens the hell out of me so this man is harassed many women over the years attempted rape on several of them probably raped a few that nobody’s admitting to and he gets one year in jail locally after molesting a woman in a her bed next to her 7 year old child wow this is just unbelievable. What about Bailey Jr and his child pornography charges haven’t heard much on that lately we need to like redo the whole office everybody all the county needs to go all the law enforcement this place is so corrupt and it’s child molesting territory and it’s sick
This is absolutely typical of the good old boys club in Ukiah. This man deserves SO MUCH more time in prison. I happen to know him and I know what a sociopath he is. He’s a predator and has been unfaithful in his marriage since the very beginning. Literally. Anyone who would associate with him should be ashamed of themselves.