Sunday, February 16, 2025

Alleged DUI Suspect Leaves Victim in Road—Ukiah Police Arrest Driver for Hit-and-Run with Major Injuries


The following is a press release issued by the Ukiah Police Department This has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

[Stock photo by Matt LaFever]

On 03-17-24, at approximately 2223 hours, Ukiah Police Department officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Talmage Road for a pedestrian that was struck by a vehicle. 

Officers arrived on scene and observed a female subject in the roadway with obvious major injuries. The vehicle that struck her had fled from the scene. A witness at the scene described the vehicle as being white in color and having a distinctive green tether dragging behind the vehicle. The vehicle information was broadcast (BOLO) to MCSO and CHP.  

Officers and witnesses at the scene provided emergency medical treatment to the female, while waiting for medical personnel to arrive. The female that was struck by the vehicle was transported to a trauma center for treatment. 

A CHP officer located a vehicle that had major damage to the front end of the vehicle and had the green tether hanging from the vehicle. The CHP officer conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle that was being driven by Juanjose Naranjorodriguez. UPD officers arrived at the traffic stop and took over the investigation.  

Based on the investigation and Naranjorodriguez’s objective signs of alcohol intoxication, Naranjorodriguez was arrested for DUI. Naranjorodriguez was charged with DUI with major injury, DUI with injury having a blood alcohol level greater than .08%, fleeing the scene of an accident involving major injury, and driving while suspended for DUI.  

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Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety

Naranjorodriguez was placed under arrest for the above listed charges, and he was transported to the  Mendocino County Jail after being medically cleared.

The Ukiah Police Department would like to thank California Highway Patrol for their assistance with this investigation.  

As always, UPD’s mission is to make Ukiah as safe a place as possible. If you would like to know more about crime in your neighborhood, you can sign up for telephone, cellphone, and email notifications by clicking the  Nixle button on our website; 

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  1. Was the driver illegal? That should be addressed. And yes its important as it would highlight the growing problem of illegal immigration.

    • Illegal immigrants are the least of our worries. Maybe focus that shitty negative energy on the people at the top that have ruined our once great country by turning us into a freaking reality TV show for the rest of the world.

      We have people making more money than they’ve ever made before that are unable to pay their bills. Inflation is through the roof, the housing market is a shitshow, and you’re out here concerned about whether someone who is most likely just struggling like the rest of us has some piece of paper saying they’re allowed to be here.

      You should be ashamed.

      • So criminal acts almost killing people are okay? Your liberalhood isca sign of freeloading anti cop mebtal illness. You should be ashamed if yourself and seek help.

        • You make several unsupported and unfounded leaps of extreme presumption, as usual.

          Cranial Rectosis is a major public health threat.

          The Givens tv character had a MUCH higher bar for scrutiny of info and claims than which you seem capable.
          Critical Thinking is a skill not sn inborn trait.
          You still need more primary school training.

          The shame is all yours.

        • Lol wow okay kids. Wake up we need to close the gates, we do not have enough housing etc to help born American citizens.Laws were made for a reason and need to be upheld, america needs to start helping the people who were born here and pay taxes here, we are not responsible for every poor needy non English speaking person that sneaks across our borders. Sorry but take care of americans FIRST !

          • Mostly agree with all of your points Jezzelle with one minor correction.There is really no longer any need to sneak in to our country although some of the Bad Actors still do.They just waltz right in basically unchallenged and don’t even have to sign the damm guest book.And America and it’s citizens should come first? Yes of course but that’s never going to happen if the corrupt moron that is 100% responsible for the current invasion get reelected.

          • Hi Jezzelle,

            Your fear of immigrants is unfounded. There are plenty of local Mendocino citizens capable of doing this sort of thing without so-called illegals. Second Illegals immigrants are paying in SS and withholdings to state and federal taxes even when they aren’t entitled to the same services. The people doing jobs Americans won’t are still paying taxes.

    • Reading culture that’s not yours in a last name and immediately jumping to trying to find a way to blame immigration in the face of a tragedy is disgusting.

  2. Go to Costco on a Sunday and you’d think we were in Mexico. Everyone get 2 cases of water either given free by our loving government or purchasing because they’ll get sick if they drink our water. I DARE you to open your eyes. Yes there are a lot of issues here but illegal immigration is a big one.

  3. Can we stop talking about immigration and start talking about ALCOHOL? The thing that caused this? It could be a purple gay Inuit from Africa illegally in a wheelchair and that’s fine with me until they drive drunk. Alcohol is the problem.

    • Yes Alcohol is and always has been a big problem but like it or not it’s also legal and readily available.I can remember when I was younger and growing up here in Ukiah and Mendocino County the CHP, sheriffs office, and local PD in the towns had a routine practice of what was called spotting the bars and pulling over suspected impaired drivers.One of my pet peeves has always been that when the WINE explosion really took off in the later 70’s through the 80’s and 90’s the hundreds of WINE TASTING ROOMS that sprung up all over Mendo, Lake and Sonoma counties got a free pass.As far as the situation at the southern border goes it’s no longer just illegal immigration it’s a full blown invasion created solely by the worst president and administration this country has seen since James Buchanan.

      • Mendo Maverick I agree, somehow we can grow alcohol and it’s farming and high class people can get saucy wherever. But the moment a Mexican gets drunk it’s immigration problem? The problem is alcohol mixed with NO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, none for the walker or driver

  4. Heard a man in spyros defending the driver because the woman crossed the road where there isn’t a crosswalk and put the blame on her while in the same breath acknowledging the guy fled the scene because he had a suspended license for DUI in the first place and was scared of getting into more trouble. Stupid people defending stupidity all around.

  5. Man just read the comments section. It’s more entertaining than the actual news. People come here just to attack. It doesn’t matter which side or opinion someone takes. Just look for a flaw or weak spot and tear them up. There is no civility anymore. Another disgraceful local trait. What happened to love thy neighbor?


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