The following is a press release issued by the GrassRoots Institute:

On March 26th the Board of Supervisors will hear an appeal by a gas station operator to construct a large, 10-pump gasoline station along HWY 101 in Redwood Valley. The applicant, Faizan Corporation and Mahmood Alam, are currently under court order to pay a $500,000 fine for 64 State Health and Safety violations with respect to their operations at 12 other stations in 7 counties. This new Redwood Valley project was unanimously rejected on the merits by the County Planning Commission at its January 4th meeting. We strongly encourage the Board of Supervisors to uphold the final determination of the Planning Commission. In summary, the proposed facility was denied for the following reasons:
- A new gas station in this location would likely result in unacceptable levels of noise and traffic in the neighborhood, which would represent a nuisance that is contrary to stated characteristics for a Commercial (C1) Zoning District as defined by Mendocino County code.
- The project would require, for safety reasons due to an increase in traffic, the construction of a median barrier at the intersection of North State St. and Hwy 101, preventing local traffic from being able to cross from North State St. to Uva Drive in addition to other impediments to local traffic circulation.
- The project involves 65 ft. retail signage, which is incompatible with County code for this area, which only allows for a 25 ft. sign.
To directly quote a part of the Planning Commission resolution:
The Planning Commission hereby determines that the granting of such Minor Use Permit would constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in or passing through the neighborhood of the proposed use and would be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood.
GRI strongly supports the project’s denial by the Planning Commission and agrees with its final determination. However, we think there are additional valid reasons to reject this gas station proposal, including the following:
- The applicant’s deplorable record of 64 health and safety violations uncovered after an investigation by 7 District Attorneys
- The lack of any demonstrated need for a new gas station in Redwood Valley and opposition by local residents
- The climate emergency and the need to phase out fossil fuels
- The fact that Mendocino County already has enough gas stations – twice as many as Sonoma County according to California Energy Commission data (by population)
The above reasons, however legitimate in the view of GRI, do not directly involve the typical land-use criteria that is used by the Planning Commission and therefore were not considered.
In conclusion, we see no reason for the Board of Supervisors to reverse the Planning Commission and therefore encourage the Board to fully concur with the Commission’s denial of the project.
Commercial C1 Zoning District Definition (Mendocino Zoning Ordinance)
This district is intended to create and enhance areas where public facilities and services are available. It is also intended to facilitate a balance between jobs and housing, provide for the possibility of live/work spaces, and provide additional opportunities for affordable housing. A limited number of retail commercial goods and services are desired primarily to meet day to day needs of local residents and to facilitate livable/walkable communities and live/work opportunities. Typically this district would be applied in conjunction with residential uses and would permit only those uses which do not significantly increase traffic, noise or other impacts. (Emphasis added)
Planning Commission Resolution Denying Minor Use Permit Application:
Mahmood Alam and Faizan Corp. ordered to pay $500,000 for environmental violations
Contact GRI member Don Hess at
Gasoline Bad, Government Good
Forcing electric cars by limiting gas.
Electric cars are dangerous and unsafe.
Enviro tail wags the politicians body.
The fact is that this owner seems profits over responsibility of upkeep. It’s not a fossil fuel vs green energy question that we the people should merit the construction of this facility on, rather it should be based upon community needs, environmental standards, and whether it meets county regulations clearly stated in use permit process. So it seems the community doesn’t want or need it and the environmental record of the owner is tainted and they filed for permits with discrepancies well noted in county code, so the board should uphold the denial.