The following is a monthly letter written by Mendocino County’s 3rd District Supervisor John Haschak to constituents:
Spring is my favorite time of year. Gradients of green on the hillsides, wildflowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors, temperatures that allow one to breathe freely, and creeks and rivers that are still flowing. With summer right around the corner, a shout out to those working to make our communities safer when the heat cranks up, the grasses are dry, and fire is on our minds.
Sherwood Firewise Communities had their annual meeting last Saturday during the rainstorm. CalFire, Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services, Mendocino County Fire Safe Communities, Brooktrails Fire Department, and I presented information regarding the upcoming fire season. This is a perfect example of building stronger communities by working together, educating each other, and getting to know your neighbor. These are valuable components of successfully preparing for emergencies.
The County is about to run a special assessment election for the Sherwood Road Emergency Access Routes. This is a pilot program. Everyone involved has learned a lot about the process, procedures, and the many challenges that have arisen. If this is replicated in other areas of the County, it will be a smoother process. Parcel owners in the Sherwood Road area will be asked if they want to assess themselves (less than $31 annually) to maintain two emergency access routes in that area. If approved by the Board of Supervisors, ballots will be sent out in early June and people will have 45 days to vote. More information is available at The engineer who came up with the numbers and I will be presenting at the Brooktrails Community Services District meeting on May 28.
The budget will be balanced in June but it won’t be pretty. Supervisor Gjerde and I worked with staff to create a retirement incentive. It has already saved $520,000. Property taxes have gone up 4% annually over the last 5 years and cannabis taxes are up yet sales taxes and Transient Occupancy Taxes are down. The County is still in negotiations with In Home Support Service workers. These are the people who provide critical services to keep seniors and others in their homes instead of a hospital or nursing home.
We need to be collecting all the property taxes and short-term rental taxes. I have proposed increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax, subject to voter approval, which could provide direct benefits to our communities. Funding critical services (law enforcement, roads) and tourism infrastructure projects (park enhancements, signage, and bathrooms) will enhance everyone’s experience in Mendocino County. At this point, cuts to programs are going to be increasingly hurtful.
There will be a Talk with the Supervisor Thursday, May 9 at 10:00 at Brickhouse Coffee in Willits. I am available by email or phone 707-972-4214.