The following is a press release from the Ukiah Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 05/12/2024, at approximately 1:50pm, Ukiah Police Department (UPD) Officers were dispatched to the parking lot of the Wells Fargo Bank at 717 South State Street for a report of a male that was asleep behind the wheel of a running vehicle.
UPD Officers arrived on scene and found Joseph Ornelas unconscious behind the wheel of his minivan, which was idling. UPD Officers awoke Ornelas and immediately suspecting him of being under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. Ornelas’ eyes were bloodshot and watery, his speech was slow, his movement was lethargic, and he appeared disoriented.
A UPD Officer asked Ornelas to step out of the vehicle, and initiated a pat search of Ornelas’ person to ensure that he was not armed with any dangerous weapons. During the pat search, the Officer felt what he recognized as a drug smoking device in a small pouch that was attached to Ornelas’ waist band. Ornelas confirmed that the object was a glass pipe used for smoking methamphetamine.
An Officer removed the pouch from Ornelas’ waist and confirmed that it contained drug paraphernalia, as well as several small baggies of suspected methamphetamine. Ornelas was detained, and during a probable cause search of Ornelas’ vehicle, UPD Officers located a loaded .45 caliber handgun underneath the driver’s seat. The handgun was what was commonly referred to as a “ghost gun,” which is an un-serialized and untraceable firearm that has usually been assembled with a kit. There are additional penalties in the state of California for bringing a loaded unregistered firearm into public, because when these firearms are used in the commission of crimes, they are untraceable.
The UPD Officer who arrested Ornelas performed field sobriety tests on Ornelas and determined that he was under the influence of a controlled substance. Ornelas was placed under arrest for being in possession of a controlled substance while armed with a loaded firearm, being under the influence of a controlled substance while armed with a loaded firearm, possession of a loaded unregistered firearm, concealing a loaded unregistered firearm, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Abolish firearm registration. The fact that you get in trouble for not having one registered is just another way for them to limit your ability to bear arms.
Every American citizen has a right to any type of armament per the Constitution.
Yep. Also, being asleep in your car is not probable cause. Folks need to know their rights.
Hey Booger, dude was asleep at the wheel of a vehicle that was still running…thank god he didn’t kill or injure an innocent bystander. BTW I’m pretty sure that It’s against the vehicle code in California. Play stupid games win stupid prizes he opened himself up to probable cause for search. Last time I checked it was against the law to have meth and a ghost gun. It so wonderful to know that there are people in this county that are totally OK with this type of behavior.
Nobody likes a drunk driver, right? If a guy pulled over and married because he realized he was too buzzed to drive, wouldn’t you be thankful?
I’m not approving of the guy’s drug use. Perhaps, one day, I would like to take a nap in my car. Maybe I want it running to keep the AC on. Am I now a criminal? Should I expect the police to harass me? It’s not illegal to sleep with your car running.
And yes, I am perfectly ok with the behavior of sleeping in your car while it’s running, while carrying a gun, including you curious monkey.
Bucks, people choke and have seizures while operating cars. That’s why cops have to check if their is a driver while car is running, To protect the driver too.
So you are good with Ghost Guns which are illegal got it loud and clear, BTW, we do not know if dude was in the middle of the parking lot passed out or parked legally in a spot. I hear you on wanting to take a nap with the A/C on, I’m sure since you are a law abiding citizen you would do so in a safe manner. Personally I’m sick and tired of meth heads and fenty users. I probably wouldn’t have a problem with them if they just stayed at home, didn’t party and drive, carry illegal weapons with them (because why would one need a ghost gun unless they are up to no good??), and didn’t commit crimes against others like stealing mail and others personal identification? Maybe I’m jaded since that’s happened to me and guess what both times it’s happened it’s been a career criminal with drug issues and rap sheets a mile long…enjoy your A/C…
Yeah, people need to know their rights.
But, that wouldn’t have saved this guy from himself.
And it won’t save you unless you legally survive both the pat down and appearance of intoxication.
People should also know the limits of our rights.
Our rights are built to protect us all, innocents and guilty alike, from undue process and abuse, ie tyranny.
Not to protect a perp from the intended due process for crimes for which they are guilty.
To be clear, Derp, that’s an extreme view of the 2nd ammendment, that most gun owners, like myself, don’t agree with you on AND neither have MANY, MANY iterations of the Supreme Court, including this one.
So, keep pipe dreaming Derp.
What they have agreed on, is that being high on illegal controlled substances, especially in public, while armed, is VERY NOT legal.
Being asleep at the wheel while the car is running, AND on Private Property, that’s not yours (ie Trespassing), is in and of itself plenty enough to establish Reasonable Suspicion.
This allows for basic Detention of a suspect in order to Investigate.
Upon the Suspect appearing Under the Influence, Probable Cause is easily provided to the Investigating Party thus allowing commands to exit the vehicle for a safety pat down.
Anything found during that search of the person is qualified as evidence and subjects them to arrest and full search of the vehicle.
But, asleep at the wheel, while parked/trespassing on private property, with a Meth Pipe & several bags of Meth (or whatever hard drug) hooked to your belt loop, and Intoxicated is classic “please, arrest me” behavior
Sounds like you 2, Derp & Boogers, might want to consider leaving both your Meth pipes and unregisterable firearms at home next time you’re out wandering around high AF in public looking for a place to take a nap.
And seriously, what’s with you two trying to enable this kind of lame AF douchy bullshit?
If a person is behind a wheel and unconscious with motor running. Police have every right to investigate. If it was a heart attack would police be scrutinized for doing an investigation? Or blamed by Joe public for not caring and not answering the 911 call. Dude’s so out of it …drives somewhere with a illegal gun and passes out… then the consequences are all on him. Thank goodness he didn’t hit anyone while driving under the influence.