The following is a press release from the Willits Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On June 6th, at 11:10 p.m., the Willits Police Department responded to reports of a hit-and-run vehicle vs. pedestrian collision in the 100 block of Holly Street in Willits.
On arrival, the Officers located a group of juveniles providing aid to an unconscious 16- 16-year-old male minor lying in the middle of the roadway. The juvenile was breathing but had experienced significant critical injuries because of the collision. Officers provided medical aid to the victim until Little Lake Fire Department and Medstar emergency medical providers arrived.
Witnesses at the scene reported that a full-size pick-up truck had intentionally struck the juvenile and had then fled the scene.
During their investigation, Willits PD Officers were approached by Luis Archundia Morales (an adult male, and Willits resident), who identified himself as the vehicle driver who had struck the minor. Archundia-Morales also provided the officer with the location of the vehicle involved in the incident.
After obtaining statements from Archundia-Morales, other witnesses at the scene, and collecting security footage and other physical evidence, Archundia-Morales was arrested for his involvement in this incident. Archundia-Morales was later booked at the Mendocino County jail for 664/187 PC – Attempted Murder, 245(a)(1) PC – assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, 273a(a) PC – Child endangerment resulting in Great Bodily Injury (GBI) or death, 243(d) – Causing GBI to another, and 20001 CVC – Hit and run with injuries,
The victim in this incident was initially treated at Howard Memorial Hospital for his injuries and later flown to an out-of-the-area hospital for further treatment. The victim is currently in stable condition. The Willits Police Department would like to thank the Little Lake Fire Department, Medstar, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office, and the California Highway Patrol for their assistance in this investigation.
The Willits Police Department is continuing its investigation of the incident and is asking anyone who may have been a witness to the event—and has not yet provided a statement—to call (707) 459-6122 to speak with Officer Pearson, the primary investigating officer, or Officer Angell, the assisting investigating officer.
You could take it up with the wine growers if you want, and stop eating produce while you’re at it.
You’re on the wrong side of the class war, your racism is ugly and idiotic.
Eat the rich!
This was a critical error on his part but the people involved, who are also terrifying the neighborhood, know what they’ve done and do as well. Thank God it wasn’t worse.
Seems to be more to the story if reporter dug deeper.