The following is a press release issued by the Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino:

The Honorable Ann Moorman, Presiding Judge of the Civil Grand Jury Recruitment/Selection Committee has extended the deadline to submit applications to serve on the 2024/2025 Grand Jury to June 28, 2024.
Service on the Civil Grand Jury is an excellent opportunity to learn about the inner workings of government while providing a valuable service to the community. The 19 members of the Civil Grand Jury serve for one year and are empowered to investigate the operations of county, city, and district governments; provide civil oversight of local government departments and agencies; and respond to citizen complaints. The Civil Grand Jury sets its own agenda and meeting schedule. Much of the work is performed in small committees allowing for considerable flexibility in the work schedule and meeting locations.
To attract more residents from the geographically distant regions of Mendocino County, the Civil Grand Jury is making it possible for interested members of the public to participate in a safe environment. The Civil Grand Jury has implemented remote meeting protocols to maximize participation while reducing the demand for travel.
Grand Jurors are compensated $25 per full panel meeting, $10 per committee meeting, and committee attendance at public meetings. Mileage is reimbursed at the current County of Mendocino rate. There is free onsite parking. Before being nominated, each qualifying applicant is interviewed by a Superior Court judge. Training for Grand Jurors will be provided in July 2024 either remotely or in the County offices.
To serve as a Civil Grand Juror, the following requirements must be met:
- At least 18 years of age
- United States citizen
- Resident of Mendocino County for at least one year
- Sufficiently fluent in written and spoken English.
- Not currently serving on any other governmental board or commission during the term.
- Not presently holding a public office
- Not personally active in any campaign of a candidate for elective office
- Computer skills highly desirable
Applications and related information are available on the Internet at: Grand Jury ( The application may also be obtained in person at the Superior Court, 100 North State Street, Rm. 303, Ukiah or by calling the Grand Jury at (707) 463-4320.
For more information contact:
Chelsea Leher, Administrative Technician
Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino
100 N. State Street, Room 303
Ukiah, CA 954825
(707) 468-3498
As I have commented before, previous Foremen used the GJ as a political tool. My very own firsthand experience. And along with the previous Judge, poisoned the well by approving me to be on the GJ but then changed that a few days before the swearing in. The GJ has the potential to be valuable but not when partisanship plays a big role.