Friday, January 24, 2025

Justice Denied? Letter Writer Slams Ukiah Police and DA for Dropped Assault Charges


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[Stock photo by Matt LaFever]

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the Ukiah Police Department and the Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office. 

In March of 2023 my friend was brutally attacked in front of her home by a friend of a friend who offered to walk her home after a night out. She ended up in the emergency room with a broken nose and multiple lacerations to her face. She has scars that won’t go away. After a year of going to court dates and retelling her story to numerous entities she was told today that all charges against her attacker are being dropped. This is a big fail. My friend feels like they didn’t even try.

Evidence that was readily available was not obtained. No witnesses were contacted. Video available from the local business where her attacker offered to walk her home was not gathered. Her attacker has a history of domestic violence. When is violence against women going to be taken seriously? 

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Hilary James
An Enraged Mendocino County Woman

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  1. Everytime women start to get a leg up in this world we get reminded of our place. Now, with the pendulum swinging back towards traditionalism we are being fully set back. Women have not had their movement. Women’s Healthcare is still fucked up. Women are still seen as property. And we can still be raped and assaulted legally.
    Some hypersexual men need to be medicated as a form of mental health are.

    Most importantly, the disgusting good ol boy mentality of the Ukiah Cops and DA is a danger to half the population. The women of this county are in danger. We’ve got to walk each other home.

  2. First off I’m sorry your friend went through this. It’s not ok for this to happen to anyone.
    Second off something that was said to me some years back is tell your story and if it’s not heard tell it again a little louder and if still not heard scream it from the roof tops.
    She can collect any evidence that would help her. Get copies then give the copies to said law enforcement.
    She needs to advocate for herself and set up a meeting with the DA’s office to ask questions. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. And it’s true.
    It’s time we stand up and start forcing accountability in these kinda situations.
    Hopefully she has people who will rally around her and support her while she speaks out.

  3. Hire a private investigator. There’s actually a few around that love to make the police department look stupid by doing their job for them. And if the DA refuses to press charges again, get a lawyer.


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