Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ukiah Invites Community Input on Climate Strategies This Summer

The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

The City of Ukiah is pleased to announce a new community workshop series to take place this summer to aid the City in its development of a Climate Action Plan (CAP) and enhance community awareness.

The City of Ukiah will be hosting three community workshops this summer designed to provide opportunities for the public to learn more about the City’s ongoing efforts to address the climate emergency and make recommendations for future climate action strategies. Whether this means expanding local incentives for electric vehicles, planting more trees for shade, or phasing-out natural gas run appliances, the City wants to hear from residents what they would like to see take place in the future to help reduce the City’s carbon footprint. The first Climate Action Community Workshop will take place virtually on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm and will be hosted by the City’s Community Development Department.

City of Ukiah Climate Action Plan Virtual Public Workshop

Time: July 22, 2024 @ 05:30 PM – 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86406054658

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City of Ukiah residents are encouraged to participate. This first workshop will be informational, with brief opportunities for Q&A. Future workshops (tbd) will be hosted in-person and will provide additional opportunity for discussion.

Please visit the City’s website at https://cityofukiah.com/climate-resilience/ to learn more about the City’s ongoing efforts to address the climate emergency, and follow the City of Ukiah’s Facebook page to stay informed of future events and developments: https://www.facebook.com/cityofukiah

For more information, please contact: Blake Adams, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Ukiah @ badams@cityofukiah.com .

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  1. Invest in water supply infrastructure, forest fuel reduction, power grid improvements and wildfire suppression,

    Sorry, but the leftist logic is outlandish and depressing.

  2. It’s always our fault and never the sun’s fault. Nobody wants to talk about how the sun is bombarding us with radiation and solar flares way more regularly than normal.

    These people just want our fucking tax dollars.

    • There is no miracle technology to replace fossil fuels. It would take hundreds of years and hundreds of trillions of dollars to retrofit the planet if there was a replacement.

      It’s all regional and/or cyclical weather events caused by changes in jet stream patterns or solar activity.


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