The following is a press release issued by the California Highway Patrol, Clear Lake Office:

The California Highway Patrol (CHP), Clear Lake Area, will conduct a driving under the influence (DUI) and driver’s license safety checkpoint on August 2, 2024, somewhere within the unincorporated area of Lake County.
The goal of the CHP is to ensure the safe passage of each and every motorist by targeting roads where there is a high frequency of intoxicated or unlicensed drivers. A sobriety/driver license checkpoint is a proven effective tool for achieving this goal and is designed to augment existing patrol operations.
Vehicles will be checked for drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or driving unlicensed. The objective is to send a clear message to those individuals who consider driving and mixing alcohol or drugs, or driving when unlicensed, that you will be caught, and your vehicle will be towed away.
Funding for this program was provided from a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Note: The media may contact CHP, Clear Lake Area, Sergeant Joel Skeen, at (707) 279-0103 on August 2, 2024, no earlier than 4:00 p.m. for the exact location.
Dont tell your friends and family where it is.
Let them get caught.
You might save a life.
Good luck to the boys and girls at CHP! I am sure the will be busy tonight sorting out the bad hombres.
This is a great opportunity to do a citizenship/visa check as well. They could put a couple ICE agents at the checkpoint to assist CHP in processing illegal aliens for deportation. It would be a real efficient way to clean up the streets.
Dream on dream on lol!
I’m sure that our trusty border czar is all over that like one of her five thousand dollar pants suits.
Great another illegal stopping of motorists. Suspicion is not a crime and stopping everyone for the suspicion of such crimes is a violation of our rights. You’d be better off watching the people leaving liquor stores for there 3rd time in a afternoon. or leaving the bars getting straight into their vehicles every day and night might help.
When they do sobriety check points they should give an accounting of the number of arrests made from the check points, to show how effective or ineffective the stops are. Driver’s license , vehicle registration and proof of insurance is all a cop can ask you for when stopped. This is still America not Nazi Germany and the showing of citizenship “papers” at checkpoints is not required. Of course you folks who feel threatened by people who are different from you can always vote for a wanna be dictator such as the t-Rump and hand over your rights along with your vote. He already told us we won’t have to vote again if he becomes president.
I hate to say it OLDUKIAHAN because I like most of your comments.
With all due respect if you truly believe that shit you are not only old but you are ready for the rest home.
TDS is real and a serious mental disorder but there is help out there get some therapy.
Hey, if the wannabe dick-tatter t-Rump say’s it then it must be true right? And thanks for your medical diagnosis. What kind of therapy does a racist undergo to treat their mental disorder? Or is it a non treatable disorder ?
How would I know ask a RACIST.
I have a feeling that you and I might know one another and have for more than fifty years.
My point being if that’s so and I put my name out there you would feel very foolish labeling me a Racist.
I’m not really a White Man at heart it’s that Old Inyan blood that’s yet coursing through my veins.
Anyway Old Timer I’m not going to debate you on this.
Perhaps you and your new good buddy Todd can meet up later this evening at the Brewery for a few pints and he can talk some sense into you?