Tuesday, February 11, 2025

CDFW Cracks Down in Potter Valley: 2,700 Illicit Cannabis Plants Eradicated

[Stock photo by CDFW]

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) led a cannabis enforcement operation in Potter Valley on Friday, August 16, 2024, resulting in the eradication of more than 2,700 illicit market cannabis plants and the seizure of nearly 500 pounds of processed cannabis.

The operation, carried out by CDFW’s Cannabis Enforcement Program, targeted two properties in Mendocino County under suspicion of unlawful cannabis cultivation and associated environmental crimes.

Personnel from the Eradication and Prevention of Illicit Cannabis (EPIC) assisted in the operation, which was part of a broader effort to combat illegal cannabis cultivation in the region.

According to Jen Benedet, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Communication, Education, and Outreach at CDFW, the search warrants were executed to address environmental violations often linked to illegal cannabis cultivation, such as water diversion and other threats to local ecosystems.

“At one of the properties, we discovered a water diversion being used to irrigate the illicit cannabis plants,” Benedet said. “In addition to this, several violations of the Water Code and Fish and Game Code were documented during the operation.”

The investigation also led to the detention of five individuals and the seizure of two firearms, one of which was a homemade, un-serialized “ghost gun.” The possession of such firearms poses additional concerns in the context of illegal activities, Benedet noted.

Skunk Train: Fort Bragg, California
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  1. There was a lot of talk about helicopters and such that day.
    The article says five people were “detained,” but there are no arrests for Potter Valley or for the crimes mentioned on the sheriff’s log for 8/16/24.
    There also no mention as to where in the Valley this took place.
    Where to look for more information?

    • Google the word RETIREMENT dumb ass!
      A lot of us busted our asses for forty years and invested and saved our dough.
      What is your claim to fame?
      Are you anticipating some fat government checks and free handouts from the Hyena Harris and Tampon Tim Walz Regime? Best of luck.

        • I have seen you loose your composure on a couple of occasions as well Bradley.
          None of us are perfect and I don’t really give two shits what people think of my opinion.
          My attitude changed a lot some weeks ago when your latest sparring partner attacked me personally and stated calling me a CUCK.

          • He doesn’t even know what a Cuck is probably. I red those comments. It’s like when you’re a kid and you learn a new bad word and you don’t know how to use it. It was like that kind of thing.

            • Beck,
              Someone who is so head over heels for Trump that they can ignore a. his inability to support a peaceful transfer of power, b. desire to be a dictator, c. view that the US Gov is a subsidary of the Trump Org. under his personal monarchy, and d. Project 2025 plan (if you don’t know, you really should) amongst many other strong pieces of evidence of unscrupulous behavior and lack of integrity & character, in my book, I make the obvious assumption that they would also like for him to grab their own wife by the pussy (and likely much more). That’s a cuck.

              That’s what I laid on MM.

              On the other hand, I do believe you are right, in that we, even including MM, would likely enjoy some valuable and spirited discussions around a campfire with some whiskey and a case o beer.

              • Are you crazy. I hate Trump. And Harris too. I don’t support any candidate. When I fill out my ballot, I’m leaving the presidential section blank. By the way, that cuck thing I’m not falling for it. You’ve been using that one for a while. I don’t even think you know what the word really insinuates. I couldn’t be a cuckhold because I am single anyways.

                • Chill the fuck out and pay CLOSER attention.

                  My post was an explanation of why I called Mendo Maverick a Cuck for Trump.
                  And I only did so because you two were getting so confused about it.


                  Maybe focus so you don’t have get all sensitive and personalize something that had nothing to do with you in the least?

              • Although Trump would be better than Harris he has no honor, no integrity. The most unpresidential president we’ve ever had. For the first time in my life, I am considering not voting at all. I am a conservative, but Trump isn’t an embarrassment. I know Mendo Maverick will hate me saying this, but that’s what I feel. Once he insulted our men and women in the military, that was it for me.

                • You don’t know me at all Bradley so don’t make assumptions about me.
                  The fact is I don’t know you either but for some reason I like and respect you.
                  Maybe it’s because that we are both outdoorsman and that I knew your father and some of the guys that he hung out with back in the day from Ukiah and R.V.
                  This is America so therefore you have the right to vote for whomever you wish.
                  That being said I might question your integrity and sanity If you were a Harris supporter simply because you have made many references in your comments about how much you dislike and disagree with the left and there policies.
                  Trumps personality leaves a whole lot to be desired but i prefered the way that he governed the country during his presidency and so did my IRA and savings.
                  One final thought for you to consider and that is if Harris does get elected you won’t have to think about leaving California for Tennessee anymore because the whole country is going to fall to the progressive agenda.

                  • What assumptions did I make about you? Maybe I’m dumber than I thought. What? You got me all wrong. I’m most definitely a conservative. And would never vote for Harris in 1 million years. Period. Period I would vote for Trump first but I’m so disgusted with my choices. I’m not voting at all. But Trump is a fake Republican. Dishonorable! He is the new era of Republican. Not what I agree with. No honor. That is my problem. I’m not licking anybody’s ass. I stand for my beliefs only. And I’m so disgusted with my choices I don’t want to vote. For the first time in my life. But do you know my family? You know my dad? What’s his name? Then I will believe you. Then if you do know him I would invite you out to really discuss things. I wouldn’t be surprised if you know my family and me maybe. My family has been here since 1968. But since I’m the only one in this small group that uses my real name, I don’t know who you are.

                  • M.M. I agree with that, no integrity, but made good choices. My problem is the integrity part and the lack of honor. The disrespect for our military and for so many other things. But I am still a conservative and would never vote for Harris so if you think that, you entirely misunderstood me.

                  • If you know my father then you know where I live. Stop by anytime because I live with him. Or he lives with me. I’m his caregiver. Or maybe he is my caregiver. I’m not quite sure at this point.

                  • Fuck. I should’ve honored my grandparents advice all along. Never discuss religion or politics in mixed company and especially with those you don’t know. Or with friends for that matter. It is a secret ballot. It’s nobody’s business and we went to war to achieve that more than once. I wear my heart on my sleeve, so it should be obvious the way I think. The biggest lesson in life is the one I ignore the most, and that is to keep mouth shut.

                  • MM where did you go. I figured you would respond to me. You said you know my dad. I’m just wondering how you know my dad. Did you work at the mill or did you know him from Taylor’s? Or somehow through my mother. Just curious and wondering about a response. Respectfully curious here.

              • You just a low IQ, easily led, hive minded, overly propagandized, hyper partisan Muppet. Zero ability to actually critically think for yourself at all…sad case your lot are.

              • Aww…did the poor cuck get his feelwings hurwt?
                Sensitive, misogynist little snowflake you are.
                Grow some skin, cuck.

                Your ass will probably unchap eventually.
                Maybe after Big Orange rolls off your old lady for a blumpkin finish. He may not be gentle but he’s probably quick.
                Good luck getting that permeating smell out of your old lady & the sheets.

                It’s all gonna be ok, cuck for big orange.
                Breathe…careful that BP and loosen the velcro.

    • John Cena…that guy who wears high heels and a dress. Takes his marching orders from the ccp.

      Fishing was good way up north. We are well stocked with salmon and halibut for the fall and winter. Next up is a deer hunt and a trip to San Diego for some tuna time.

      Life is good.

    • Who knows?
      He can’t be all bad because he seems to a thing or two about Steelfish.
      And that coming from a recovering thirty plus year professional Steelhead Bum is a compliment.

      • I don’t fish anymore. I just deer hunt. And the season is just getting started. Rain on Friday means good hunting. I’m dragging my old man with me out on MFP property. I get to hunt on 250,000 acres of private timberland here. I never was a big fisherman. I grew up fishing in Lake Mendocino and private ponds. I fished for catfish mainly.

  2. Oh I guess you were referring to MM as a Trump supporter. Not me. Can’t be sure. I’m just becoming more and more anti politician. I thought you were calling me a Trump lover for a minute. If you put a gun to my head, I would vote for Trump before I would vote for Harris though.

  3. Get off it. It’s legal. And water diversion? The vineyards are straight up ecco terrorists. The amount of water being sucked dry by these obscenely huge winery grape grows is a straight up cover up.

  4. 2,700 plants in PV? Why waste the time? They should be busting up the cartels out on the rez instead. It’s a shame to see the round valley “natives” sheltering the cartel and threatening lawsuits on the sheriff.

  5. God forbid some teen girl has emergency tampons and pads available in the bathrooms in high school. Jealous? responding to the so called maverick

  6. Isn’t this comment section for comments on the story? Oh, and it’s called a story because it’s what the authorities told us. Which, of course is usually b.s. You expect an officer to tell you the truth? Yes. Do they? Not in my experience, and if at all, never the full truth.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFeverhttps://mendofever.com/
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at matthewplafever@gmail.com.

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