Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mapping the Future: Ukiah Analyzes Park Access for All Residents


The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

The City of Ukiah is conducting a Parks Gap Analysis to assess how well existing parks are meeting community needs, and what might be needed for future parks. In addition to staff analysis, a robust community engagement process will be undertaken. Community engagement will include focus groups, individual meetings, surveys, event tabling, and outreach to City of Ukiah commissions. 

An online survey is available at (English); a  Spanish version is available at 

In addition to the online surveys, an outreach table will be open at the Ukiah Pumpkinfest for public comment and an open community forum will be held at the Public Spaces Commission meeting on  September 10th at 5:30 PM at the Ukiah Conference Center.  

The need for this analysis was identified in the City’s 2040 General Plan, which states the City “shall  prepare a parks gap analysis identifying areas of the city underserved by parks and recreation facilities  access.” Additionally, the “analysis shall, at a minimum, establish equitable access standards, including  the minimum distance between parks and every residence, and potential funding mechanisms.” This will help the City of Ukiah to prepare for population growth, changing demographics, and possible annexations.  

The process will include mapping exercises, the identification of appropriate level of service measures, and goals for the City’s Park system. Recreation opportunities and needs will also be assessed. Finally,  the document will address potential funding opportunities.  

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For more information contact Araceli Sandoval at or 463-6231.  

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  1. I know what is needed for future parks. More people, mostly kids to unplug their Xbox, get off their lazy asses and go out to the parks more!

  2. Belle Vista, an approved development of some 700 new homes on the south end of State Street, is supposed to happen sometime soon. The southern reaches of our neighborhood really need some love. A nice big park with lots of trees and a playground and some hiking paths would be a great addition and would boost property values. This is 5th District territory, so Supervisor Williams, I hope you will work to make this happen.

  3. A concrete wall or two dedicated to graffiti would be a good idea.
    Give the local spray can artists somewhere to showcase their talents.



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