Firefighting resources are responding to a small wildfire burning on the slopes of Hull Mountain in Mendocino National Forest this afternoon
The fire, dubbed the Hull Fire, is estimated at a quarter of an acre and is burning in grass and low tree cover on a southeast-facing slope. A pilot over the scene reported light winds driving the fire, which is located near Hull Mountain Road, an area frequented by off-roaders, hunters, and campers.
Firefighting aircraft from Ukiah have been dispatched to assist ground crews, and the fire is reportedly in an accessible location.
UPDATE 6:30 p.m.: The fire’s forward progress has been stopped at one-acre due to the collaborative efforts of ground and air resources.
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
Giving the date of occurrence is crucial. Otherwise, the bi-line date is not dispositive when the event occurred, just when you wrote about it. Thanks.
This was discovered Saturday afternoon. I was staying at Pogie Point campground, Lake Pillsbury, and the campground host said he saw it, with binoculars and called it in. He and one other person called it in about the same time. It was top of the ridge to the north and not that easy to see. Was told there is a road up there and a lot of “dry camping” by hunters, elk hunters, and so it was suspected one of them caused it with some sort of camp fire embers blowing away. There was some wind. but not much thankfully, some gusts but mostly rather calm. I shot a video of the helicopter getting water from the lake. Went to the lake twice and sucked up water by dropping a hose.
Nobody hunts Elk around Hull Mountain or Lake Pillsbury. They are protected. Tule Elk can only be hunted in California with a special lottery driven permit system. And it is actually like winning the lottery. And regular deer season for Blacktail deer in B zone, which is the lake Pillsbury and Hull Mountain area, doesn’t begin till September 21st at sunrise. This fire began near the main Pillsbury/Indian Dick road. The major thorough fair through the area. So there’s no telling how this fire started, but don’t blame it on hunters because nobody is hunting up there yet.
I want to correct my previous statement. Archery season opened August 17 for B zone and the general rifle season doesn’t open till September 21 so it very well could have been a hunter but who knows.
I heard many, many rifle shots while I was camping there. So hunting season was closed but they must have been target shooting. Anyway I got “first hand information” from a local who rides the area extensively including the roads around where he said these “hunters” were “dry camping” on his dirt bike, Husqvarna. So if he was wrong so be it. I never even heard the term “dry camping” before. I asked him, so there’ a campground up there? He said yeah. I got the impression there is camping up there, no supplied water. He said something to the effect lots of hunters camp up there, and though I never been up there, he goes through the area often, knows it well. I saw guys riding motorcycles carrying rifles in cases, And guys in camo with rifles at the store. That is not to imply anyone was doing anything unlawful. Perfectly legal to carry a rifle. And the rifle shots I heard many of were not my imagination.
Yes, Pillsbury can be like the wild wild West. I’ve been going up there my whole life, and I’ve seen some crazy shit. But if they’re out there hunting with rifles at this time of year, they are breaking the law. B zone general rifle deer season opens September 21. There is currently an order from the National Forest Service that no campfires are allowed outside of an established campground with campsites with fire rings. Meaning you can’t just build a fire in the middle of the forest to keep warm. There’s only supposed to be fires in established campground like Oak Flat or Pogie Point. So many people don’t follow the rules that’s probably why this fire started. Dry camping just means no water source and no established campground. At least that’s the way I’ve understood it my whole life. I don’t like dry camping. I like a water source and an establish campground. It makes it a lot more comfortable.