The following is a press release issued by the City of Clearlake:

On September 8, 2024 our community was again devastated by wildfire. The Boyles Fire
broke out shortly after 2:00 pm and quickly spread north, threatening Woodland
Community College’s Lake Campus, Obsidian Middle School and thousands of homes on the
east side of the City of Clearlake. The Lake County Fire Protection District, CalFIRE and many mutual aid partners began the attack, saving many structures. Current damage assessments indicate over 30 homes were lost, and the assessments will continue tomorrow morning.
Some areas of the evacuation zones have been cleared for repopulation as of 10:00 pm,
but many parts of the area are still without power due to damaged PG&E infrastructure.
An evacuation shelter has been set up at Twin Pine Casino in Middletown for those impacted.
All evacuees that need assistance or suffered a loss of their home should check in at the
shelter at Twin Pine, even if you do not intend to stay there. This will allow the City and our
partners to establish contact with you as we assist through the difficult recovery process. If
you are unable to visit the shelter at Twin Pine, please contact the City at 707-994-8201
and leave your contact information.
Additional information and resources will be provided in the coming days.
Our prayers are with the people who have lost their homes and pets. Thank you to the firefighters who courageously fight to protect lives and property.