Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Prescribed burns begin next week near this Mendocino coastal town


The following is a press release issued by the Bureau of Land Management:

Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands with a view of the Point Arena Lighthouse in the distance [Photo by Bob Wick, BLM]

The Bureau of Land Management, Ukiah Field Office, plans to conduct prescribed fire operations in the Point Arena – Stornetta Unit of the California Coastal National Monument in Mendocino County. Pile-burn operations could start as soon as Oct. 1, and may continue periodically through the fall, winter and spring. Prescribed fire operations will take place only when weather and fuel moistures allow for safe and successful burning.

The BLM Ukiah Field Office has been conducting hazardous tree felling and conifer abatement treatments in the unit since 2021.

“The BLM is committed to keeping public landscapes healthy and productive; pile burning is the next step in the progression of treatments that are designed to provide for public safety, reduce hazardous fuels for wildfire, and restore areas of coastal prairie from conifer encroachment,” said California Coastal National Monument Manager Leisyka Parrott.

Situated along the rugged Mendocino County coastline adjacent to the town of Point Arena, the Point Arena-Stornetta unit offers spectacular views of coastal bluffs, sea arches, the estuary of the Garcia River, and sandy beaches and dunes with eight miles of paths. More information is available from the BLM Ukiah Field Office at 707-468-4000. Updates will be provided by the BLM through the BLM California Fire Information Facebook and Twitter.

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  1. Point Arena citizens beware! The Bureau of Land Mis-Management is once again putting us at risk for a fire disaster…..their burn piles are huge and not skirted, their judgement for safe and successful is arbitrary and fits their schedule, not actual conditions, and their long term plan to reduce conifers and return the lands to a coastal prairie goes against current science that says trees are necessary to prevent global warming. BLM should definitely continue the removal of dead trees but leave the living trees to provide habit and health to the evolved ecosystem that has flourished for decades. Wait until the rains come to burn the piles the grass and brush are tinder dry! Their local agency has a high turnover of employees and a history of gross ineptitude and bad science practices on the Stornetta lands.


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