The following is a press release from the Ukiah Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On 10/29/2024, at approximately 3:38 p.m., Ukiah Police Department (UPD) Officers were dispatched to the intersection of North State Street and Clara Avenue for a vehicle versus motorcycle traffic accident. Multiple UPD Officers and medical personnel from Ukiah Valley Fire Authority (UVFA) and Medstar Ambulance responded to the scene and arrived within minutes.
UPD Officers observed a Mini Cooper vehicle with major damage to the front-end of the vehicle in the intersection of North State Street and Clara Avenue. Officers were then directed to a motorcycle that was located north of the Mini Cooper. Officers approached the motorcycle and located the rider (decedent) of the motorcycle lying in the roadway in front of the motorcycle. Medical personnel on scene determined the decedent had suffered fatal injuries as a result of the traffic accident.
The driver of the Mini Cooper was identified as an 18-year-old female from Ukiah. The female driver had sustained minor injuries during the accident and was later transported to a local area hospital for treatment.
The designated UPD Traffic Officer arrived on scene to conduct a traffic accident investigation. Personnel from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) arrived on scene to conduct the Coroner’s Investigation. This is an ongoing fatal traffic accident investigation, if anyone has any information on this incident or surveillance video from the area, please contact the UPD Dispatch Center (707-463-6262), and request to speak with FTO Cowan.
UPD would like to thank UVFA, MCSO, and Medstar personnel for their assistance in this investigation. UPD would also like to thank the City of Ukiah Streets and Water Departments for assisting UPD with road closures in the area.
As always, our mission at UPD is to make Ukiah as safe a place as possible. If you would like to know more about incidences in your neighborhood, you can sign up for telephone, cell phone, and email notifications by clicking the Nixle button on our website;
Damn the girl is 18 and now she’s going to prison for involuntarily manslaughtering somebody with her car
The lady who killed my neighbor because she fell asleep driving after being up for a week on meth only got a couple weeks in jail & probation so I doubt this one will go to jail.
Not sure where you get she is going to jail, or even charged? The article doesn’t give that info and it looks like the rider hit the left front wheel area from the side. There isn’t enough information to say the driver or the rider was at fault.
The lady who killed my neighbor because she fell asleep driving after being up for a week on meth only got a couple weeks in jail & probation so I doubt this one will go to jail.
Was that the gal in Lucerne a couple of years ago ?
Poor girl hope she’s okay. 18 is so young to have something like this happen, motorcycles can be so reckless!!
Both at fault. I was there when it happened, he was speeding, she took an irresponsible turn not checking like she should’ve. She killed a man due to her awareness
Which way was he going?
Have you given your statement to the police?
They are asking for witnesses to speak up. You were there?
There were a handful of people outside the pub and the Mexican restaurant who saw, a crowd flooded the scene and some people were shouting he was dead, out of morbid curiosity I went to go check it out. Yes I saw but I’m sure they already have a handful of witnesses along with there being a traffic camera a hundred feet away from the accident, he was heading north on state
The headline of this article says that UPD is asking witnesses to come forward and tell them what they saw. I’m assuming that you didn’t see the actual collision or you would have given a statement to the police, am I correct?
I was there when he smashed into the car and went flying 10 feet. I’m currently working overtime for the next week and I’m not bothered to go and talk about how two dipshits caused an accident.
Just because it asks a handful of people to retell the incident doesn’t mean they will. I work in Santa Rosa. 14 hours a day including the drive there and back. I saw it happen first hand, as I stated. I was outside the pub when it occurred and watched it. I’m too busy to allot my time to talk for an hour when again, 30-40 people in our town saw it happen first time
While claiming you don’t have the time to speak with investigators who are specifically requesting witness reports for a death investigation, you’re simultaneously taking a good bit of time to repeatedly, and somewhat forcefully, “share” your witness perspective of the accident in an open forum, i.e. relatively speaking, a trivial place.
Why? Because you’ve “got the goss” today?
Why not take a little of that time and share your witness statement where it may be of consequence, with the investigators?
A phone call will likely be sufficient at this stage of the investigation.
IMHO, it’s all of our civic duty to bear witness in such events, especially where fatalities are concerned.
Agreed, its your civic duty to contribute to the safety of the community. I personally doubt John actually saw it, he’s “so busy” yet was able to find multiple opportunities to get on the message board and give increasingly more detailed information. Either he’s lying for attention, or he’s a selfish man. When you have the opportunity to assist, a good person does so. They find the time.
OR…. Maybe he just doesn’t want any Police contact for whatever reason, which actually makes a lot more sense as to why he refuses to speak to the police.
Non-Fiction. For once, I agree with every single word you wrote. I’ll be damned.
With your “gentlemanly” hopes & desires for my early & painful death in mind, you and your dark heart just might already be…damned.
Houston v. Maricopa still does NOT apply nationwide.
That being, despite your tantrums, false assumptions, failure to read & comprehend, and your ad hominem attacks attempting to divert attention from your unwillingness, or inability, to comprehend and address veritable facts.
Maybe, your Mendo education has failed you. Or you’ve failed Mendo, wallowing in your hubris.
No matter, your welcome reward is somewhere in the range of a grain of salt to a very large bag of dicks, and beyond, Brad.
So, eat up, child, as you’ve already gone far over the line, some time ago.
No fucks given.
Hah you are a master at word play. My Ukiah High and South Valley education followed by Mendocino college then Humboldt State obviously don’t match up. Depending on who you ask. You write very well. Better than me. But like you said. No shits given. Where did you go to school? I doubt it was Talmage. And I’m not exactly a child anymore. Just turned 49. Maybe I’m still immature, but certainly no child. I went to school a long time to build up my lesser education status into something better. Maybe you should run for office since you feel so strongly about so many things. You have more time for it than I do.
Remember, I’m still the only one with the balls in this sewing circle to use my real name. You have still failed to do so. And that says a lot to me. I have nothing to fear. Why would you? I’ve been using my birth name to post on this platform for a couple years and I’ve never had a single problem. Nobody has contacted me, nobody has come by my house. Nobody has threatened me. I don’t understand why people can’t just use their real name. It’s simple. It’s the one your mother gave you and is on your birth certificate.
Whatever happened to Mendo-Maverick? I guess he finally realized his time was more valuable. Too valuable to waste on this shit show that is the comments section. I miss his input honestly. Or did you simply cross the line between polite conversation into taking rudeness to a whole nother level that most of us have never seen before here. Civil conversation is important and you don’t seem to agree with it much. You’d rather gut somebody from pelvis to sternum and watch them bleed. You get off on tearing people a new one. That says more about you than anything else. You come off as angry with a chip on your shoulder. I simply don’t care enough about any of the topics here to go there. You seem to me to be heartless. And more interested in impressing people with your dialogue than actually caring about the topics or situations you write about.
Driver’s of caged automobiles are a far greater risk & hazard to motorcyclists, whether either of them was reckless or negligent.
There certainly is a much greater number of drivers of cars making idiotic and highly unskilled choices on the roads. Ukiah is certainly not immune.
A speeding motorcycle does NOT absolve the driver of a car who is undertaking a turn across opposing lanes of traffic from the legal responsibility to verify the turning path will remain clear during the entire act of turning, regardless of age.
In such a scenario they share responsibility.
If the driver of the car was under the influence or using the phone with her hands, the price will very likely be quite steep as a greater percentage of the responibility will fall on the driver of the car and will very likely rise to the level of a crime which caused a death.
You can clearly see the motorcyclist hit the car head on. There is no evidence that the car driver was at fault. People need to stop blaming and saying horrible things before knowing the truth. My prayers go out to that poor girl. Only 18 years old and her life is forever changed. I will pray for her tonight and make sure the lord see’s over her poor soul. My prayers also go out to the motorcyclist families. This was an accident not a murder. There is no reason to push blame. May god watch over this child. ???
I was there when it happened. He was speeding but she took that turn like a dumbass. Both are at fault but one is dead due to the lack of the drivers awareness. and his own actions.
Was there when it happened. Dumbass kid had no awareness, both were at fault, he was speeding and she took a turn when she shouldn’t have. Walked out of her car like “what happened” seeing a guy bleeding on the road like she just didn’t make the most irresponsible turn ever. Hope she gets vehicular manslaughter charges
Which way was he going?
If you aren’t going to report this to the police then shut the hell up.
If the motorcyclist was doing the speed limit the driver of the car would have had plenty of time to complete the turn. Yes she should have taken into consideration that the motorcyclist might be riding way too fast to be able to make the turn safely but let’s not ruin her life because the bike rider was riding like a fool. When I was younger I was driving way too fast down a street in Ukiah and a person pulled out in front of me and I t-boned them. If I wasn’t driving like a complete idiot the person would have had plenty of time to pull out of the driveway. Put a fucking UPD car on State St 24/7. The city would make a killing off of speeding tickets.
The girl was making a left turn. A motorcycle (already hard to see) sped into her with enough force to smash up the car. That stop sign is no longer there, making it another mental optical illusion for the driver, and a full straight stretch with no intersections for the motorcyclist to drive through at high speed cause too many action movies and video games have damaged men’s dopamine receptors and the thrill of speeding gives a “fix”. Now this speeding adult motorcyclist is dead and a barely legal young woman had got her own ptsd to contend with.
Driving is the most dangerous thing we do all day, it’s not a game, vehicles aren’t toys. They’re dangerous machinery.
Matt, How can we find out who this man was that died in this accident?
Surely his next of kin has been notified by now.
???Condolences to this young man and his family& friends.