The following is a press release issued by the Mendocino City Community Services District:

The Mendocino City Community Services District (MCCSD) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $14.96 million grant to upgrade and expand our recycled water system.
The grant will enable us to build the infrastructure to use recycled water for irrigation and reduce the volume of treated wastewater discharged into the Ocean. The project will also provide additional water for fire suppression. As the recent fires in Los Angeles have demonstrated, adequate water for fire suppression is increasingly important and we do not currently have the capacity to adequately supply or deliver water to firefighting teams in the district. Replacing the potable water now used to irrigate athletic fields with clean, recycled water that would otherwise be discharged into the ocean will help conserve our limited groundwater resources and benefit our marine environment.
The grant from the State Water Resources Control Board Water will fund necessary improvements at the wastewater treatment plant and installation of a 250,000-gallon recycled water storage tank, 15 fire hydrants for recycled water, a recycled water main, and recycled water service at the Mendocino high school, K-8 school and Friendship Park.
The project is a collaborative effort between the MCCSD, Mendocino Unified School District and Mendocino Fire Protection District. Obtaining this grant required time, persistence and commitment from many people. Our staff and Board appreciate the local community leaders, County Board of Supervisors, staff at State agencies and GHD consultants who have put in the many hours of work required to win this funding for our community.
It will take some time to bring the new recycled water resources online, but the MCCSD staff will be working hard to push this project to fruition and look forward to enjoying the substantial benefits it will provide to our community.
Please contact Ryan Rhoades, District Superintendent, if you would like additional information.
Fabulous use of grant money good work for all parties from 5th district planning commissioner Diana Wiedemann
No great surprise. The big bucks hotel buyout. Goes hand n hand with the plan.