Scanner traffic indicates at approximately 11:50 a.m. Ukiah Fire, an air ambulance, and volunteer first responders have been dispatched to a medical rescue at Orr Hot Springs. The dispatcher told first responders one patient will meet the first responders at the Orr Hot Springs front office and the second patient is a 74-year-old woman with unknown injuries.
UPATE 12:26 p.m.
Though details remain unclear regarding the exact nature of the medical rescue and injuries, first responders are now making their way into Montgomery Woods for one of the patients who has been reportedly been “out all night.”
UPDATE 1:17 p.m.
First responders searching Montgomery Woods for the 74-year-old woman with injuries reported to the dispatcher that this might transition to a “search and rescue” situation.
UPDATE 2:18 p.m.
Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Captain Greg Van Patten confirmed that fire rescue personnel were able to find the 74-year-old woman.
He told us an “elderly couple were hiking and a female fell and was injured. Male walked out and called for help.” Captain Van Patten was unsure whether he couple hiked out yesterday or today, but scanner traffic from earlier indicated the couple had been out overnight.
This article is based on preliminary information and will be updated as more facts become available.