Thursday, March 6, 2025

Local Activists Holding Vigil This Thursday at Ukiah Courthouse, One Year After ‘Attack On U.S. Capitol’


The following is a press release issued by Steve Scalmanini, a local activist organizing this Thursday’s demonstration:

Tear Gas outside United States Capitol [Photograph from WikiCommons taken by Tyler Merbler]


Candlelight Vigil at Mendocino County Courthouse on January 6, 5-6:30 p.m.

 Among More than 175 Events Across the Country 

WHAT: January 6, 2022 marks one year since a faction of elected officials incited armed right-wing militants to attack the U.S. Capitol. One year later, the same faction is working to restrict the freedom to vote, attacking fair voting districts, and quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage free and fair elections, particularly in swing states throughout the nation.

On Thursday, January 6, 2022, Americans across race, place, party, and background are holding candlelight vigils to say: In America, the voters decide the outcome of elections. To prevent this kind of attack from happening again, advocates are demanding that elected leaders pass urgent legislation including the Freedom to Vote Act, the Protecting Our Democracy Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and DC Statehood. This event in Ukiah is one of more than 175 events that will take place across the country, including at the U.S. Capitol. 

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Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety

WHO:  Anyone who supports election of representatives directly by voters, election integrity, and democratic public process

WHERE:  Mendocino County Courthouse – N State St at Perkins St in Ukiah

WHEN:  5 – 6:30 p.m.

CONTACT:  Steve Scalmanini – – (707) 391-5853 – Ukiah

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  1. This is nothing more than Troll Journalism at its finest. These rallies are nothing more than political persecution. Where were all these snowflakes and hurt feelings when the race riots burned, looted, murdered, and attempted a coup on the White House? Look for me driving by with the prone middle finger!

    • Dear, Walter. Perhaps you’ve overstated things a bit in regards to Mendofever, the finest emerging news source in Mendocino County. Public announcements are in no way “troll journalism” they are simply public announcements and a public service concerning upcoming events, which in this case is just another misguided virtue fest for our progressively elite neighbors. Let’s face it, their politics dominate the county, and within the law they can demonstrate what ever silly idea they choose. On the other hand, look at Mendocino county since the early seventies to see what they have wrought. Zombies in the streets, murder in the hills, along with a county government, excluding the DA and sheriff, that exclusively serves itself.

  2. First amendment says you can say/do what you please regarding these protestors. Troll journalism? It’s an event, in the community. I’m pretty sure that’s one of the roles of reporting. To announce events in the community.

    • Kinda of like Jan 6 Matt. The FBI set it up. The first amendment allows him to say whatever he likes. The media is the enemy of the state. They are almost as bad as social media. Covid is bullshit. How come you can’t get ivermectin? Cheap and effective. ? I thought the “vaccine” was effective and safe? How come it takes 4 fucking shots and you can still get ? It’s all bullsuit and people need to wake up. Best fucking thing my wife and I did was leave that liberal shithole for a free state. I can tell you we should have done it sooner was our only regret California is a true dump You people get what you vote for. Matt why is Robert Malone being censored ? You think that the media is honest ? Why is social media more powerful than the government?

      • Ex Ukiah Local, your seizure of nonsequiturs is hard to navigate. I’ll touch on a couple of the dozen topics you bring up.

        Congrats on your move. I wish you well in your new home. As LOL said, thank you for following MendoFever even after leaving the area.

        Dr. Robert Malone is a super interesting voice in the COVID-19 pandemic and I too find it troubling there is a concerted campaign to silence him.

        I think the media can be honest, and also dishonest.

        Okay, that’s it for tonight folks! Drive safe and tip your waiters!

  3. Walter P. Prone means lying down. What race riots? Who was murdered? Who has hurt feelings?
    Thanks to the organizers, I hope to be there at the Courthouse standing for America, American democracy and free and fair elections.

    • Ah, selective amnesia, another fine trait of the liberal alt-left. Can you really wish for free and fair elections with a straight face?

  4. Walter, you have fallen prey to the white paranoia peddled by money grubbing propagandist political commentators like tucker carlson and his greed driven ilk.
    They are not journalists, they are hack talking heads that have riled you up with farcical bullshit opinions on twisted bullshit.
    Add to this that Fox has been on the cliff edge of ignoring all concept of journalistic ethics since the start of the network.
    The network politicizes anything of value.
    They would have you think that you are a patriot while actively assisting them subvert the US Constitution and the will of The People.

    Besides the fact that nothing that happened at BLM protests or anywhere else that should divert from the serious weight of the Jan6 attack on Congress and Democracy itself, you are attempting to make a “false equivalency” and are thus squarely incorrect.
    Look it up.

    93% of the racially charged protests nationwide were totally peaceful.
    The vast majority of the violence & riots that has been mischaracterized as associated with BLM at sanctioned BLM protests have been clearly shown to be caused by members of white nationalist and white supremacist groups and other criminals taking advantage of the events.
    Those were not BLM sactioned actions.
    Shit in Portland and Capitol Hill in Seattle are a whole other thing entirely…fundamentalist left radicals.

    By murders, are you referring to the Rittenhouse murders?
    Show me 1 single murder by a BLM protester….Not a criminal who took advantage of the chaos…but an actual protester.
    You can’t.
    There were several different white guys, in diff cities, who went looking for trouble and falsely claimed self defense so they could try getting away with murder.

    Your claim of an attempted coup on the WH is TOTAL GARBAGE unless you’re referring to Trump’s attempt to overturn a legal and fair election process (otherwise known as an attempted coup) OR the Jan6 mob on Congress.

    But, your attack on Matt with the claim of troll journalism suggests you have a very hard time discerning fact from fiction…and very likely have no idea what journalism actually is.
    And you are showing a strong deficiency in recognizing the profound faults in the shite you are parroting for your masters.

    Try starting with actual facts before getting swept up in the emotion of opinion based on lies.
    You have been misinformed by ver real and serious predators.

    • 1) “Your claim of an attempted coup on the WH is TOTAL GARBAGE unless you’re referring to Trump’s attempt to overturn a legal and fair election process (otherwise known as an attempted coup) OR the Jan6 mob on Congress.” if that is the case then why is Ray Epps still a free man? Why is Jeremy Brown locked up in jail?

      2) “By murders, are you referring to the Rittenhouse murders?
      Show me 1 single murder by a BLM protester….Not a criminal who took advantage of the chaos…but an actual protester.
      You can’t.” The 3 shot by Kyle Rittenhouse were certainly trying to kill Rittenhouse. i guess you could call that attempted murder.

      3) there are more. and certainly many near death events

    • almost forgot.
      speaking of white supremacy and all those other flowery charges you throw around.
      here’s an example of your BLM killing at it’s finest and highest privilege.

      Michael Byrd is a strong BLM supporter suffering from TDS as well. why is Michael Byrd not in jail? There was no arguable Ability, Opportunity, or Jeopardy posed by Ashli Babbitt. It was an assassination. It’s all on film.

      We all know how the resultant situation would have gone had the races and political preferences been reversed.

  5. Oh no! 1 year since a buncha retards fell for the most obvious glowing honeypot trap in history! What an attack on america and our values!

    At least we know our congress is pro at feigning fear for cameras. Too bad they didnt get the oscar.

  6. Wow, what a joke. So sad to see so many people buying into the bread and circus political theater of the day. A candlelight vigil? Give me a break. For the unarmed women that was gunned down trying to crawl through a window????

    “One year later, the same faction is working to restrict the freedom to vote, attacking fair voting districts, and quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage free and fair elections, particularly in swing states throughout the nation.”

    Pretty serious allegations, maybe provide some evidence. “quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage free and fair elections”, oh really? Quietly preparing, ok, then how the hell do you know about it???????

    Problem, reaction, solution. All orchestrated. BTW most 1st world, developed nations require ID to vote. It’s not a new thing. Can we please stop playing the Red team vs. Blue team crap????

  7. “Can we please stop playing the Red team vs. Blue team crap????”
    Some of you will be familiar with the catch phrase “Divide and Conquer”, yes?
    I submit to you that the American People are, in the present time, PERFECTLY divided. It follows then that we are, in fact, PERFECTLY CONQUERED. To be conquered is to lose, ergo some other party wins. Please, ask yourself who is winning, while we are bickering amongst ourselves? Who benefits? I have my own suspicions (actors foreign, domestic and unaffiliated), but I’ll keep them to myself for the purposes of this “discussion”. I will however further submit that your neighbor with the Trans Lives Matter bumper sticker, or the one flying the Confederate Flag off the back of their Coal Roller (look it up) is hardly likely the beneficiary of the morass we currently find ourselves in.
    In the “Good Old Days” we thought of ourselves as a White, Protestant People with External Enemies (which we never were). Cohesion was easy under those imagined circumstances. Today we are being dragged, kicking and screaming, towards a Pluralistic Society and it’s driving a lot of us absolutely batshit crazy. Union is a high mental hurdle when fewer and fewer people look or think like you, when the enemy lies within, when we’ve been told, and believe, that “It’s all your neighbor’s fault!”.
    E Pluribis Unum MEANS SOMETHING, but we’ve been led astray by our Twitter feeds and Cable news. We have lost sight of what arguably is our most important Guiding Principle. I assure you that our conquerors are laughing all the way to their offshore banks.
    If we don’t get it together, and that right soon, then we better start learning to speak Russian or Mandarin or Farsi or some such ’cause we’re gonna need it. And we will have deserved the boot of our Conquering Masters upon our collective throat for squandering so much for so little.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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