The following is a press release issued by Mendocino County Public Health:
An infant in Mendocino County recently passed away with COVID-19. Our heartfelt condolences are with the family.
Death #135: Infant not eligible for vaccination.
Mendocino County Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren stated: “COVID-19 has become one of the top 3 leading causes of death in California over the last year1. It affects people of all ages as we see with this tragedy and there has been an increase in children testing positive over the summer. “
“We do have the tools to decrease the risk of a bad infection. Getting a free vaccine/booster, as well as masking and social distancing in crowded areas, are still the best ways to prevent infections. As an Emergency Dept. doctor, I treat people with COVID every day. As soon as the updated booster is available, I’ll be first in line,” explained Dr. Charlie Evans, longtime ED doctor and Deputy Public Health Officer. “We want to protect as many people as possible.”
If you have questions about vaccines or boosters, speak with your doctor, or call Public Health at 707-472-2759. Vaccines are available in most pharmacies, primary health care offices, and Public Health. To find the nearest vaccine clinic in your area, please visit the Public Health website at:
Good luck getting the county population to grasp that concept even though Big Pharma admits in its own studies that the vaccinated can shed the spike protein onto others. I see no mention about the parents being vaccinated. If the mother is vaccinated and nursing, her milk is likely contaminated.
? I’m so sorry for your loss. Lord Jesus comfort this family in their time of need.
The article says “with” Covid not “ from” Covid. That means that there was a diagnosis of Covid, but it was NOT the cause of this precious baby’s passing, right?
Yes. That’s how I read it too. A baby died from some other cause but, also had COVID but COVID was not the cause of death.
Sending peace, love, and condolences to this family at this most difficult time.
This is really hard to write about. You think after 20 years being a doctor and 2 years of Covid it would get easier. But I think it is important to write about. I have confirmed with public health that the cause of death for the 3 month old was Covid-19. I do not know any clinical details. I cannot imagine how this is for the family who is going through such tragedy to have articles and comments written about them. And like every part of this pandemic I wish I could do more. But I do think it is important to set the record strait on the cause of death. Most children do well with Covid-19, but heartbreakingly not all. Our hearts go out to this family and all families who have lost love ones to Covid-19.
Then why mention Covid? The infant died from what? The Covid test is a fraud. But the population has been so brainwashed it will never shake off this massive delusion.
My heart grieves for the family, so very sad
If an article is written about a baby dying with covid, then it’s because the covid. Otherwise there would be an article about every baby that passes.
Semantics be damned. Someone’s baby died.
Glad we all think this is normal now?
That headline is so misleading. Yes, the term “with” is used. But the general public reads that as died of Covid. The fear porn just never ends. Utterly insidious.