The following is a press release issued by CAL FIRE Mendocino:
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Mendocino Unit, working with the California Department of Transportation (CAL Trans) as well as surrounding Local Government Fire Agencies, will be conducting a vegetation management prescribed burn along U.S. Highway 101. This project will start at Nelson Ranch Road south of Ukiah, and finish at the top of Ridgewood Grade south of Willits.
This prescribed burn will treat approximately 400 acres of grass within Cal Trans’ Right-of-Way along U.S. Highway 101. This project will contribute to fuel reduction along the highway, providing safety of motorists and emergency responders from roadside fires. This reduction of vegetation will help reduce the chance of catastrophic wildfires in the future, while providing firefighters with live fire training opportunities.
U.S. Highway 101 will be under controlled traffic during burning operations. Emergency vehicles will be patrolling the area heavily, so please be aware of emergency vehicles along the highway. Burning will begin on Monday, June 17th, 2024, and continue as favorable weather conditions exist, concluding on, or about July 17th, 2024. Burning will start at approximately 6 p.m. and conclude at approximately 11 p.m. daily with smoke visible in the area. Burning operations will take place Monday through Friday.
This project adds to significant work underway throughout the state and brings California one step closer towards meeting state fuels reduction goals directed by the California Fire Plan and the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan. To track the progress being made, both in your community and throughout California, visit the CAL FIRE fuels reduction dashboard at
This project burn will be conducted under strictly controlled weather and fuel conditions. Smoke and aircraft may be visible in the area.
For more information about how you and your family can prepare for wildfire visit
perhaps they want to re-think that strategy for the moment, given the lake Sonoma loss of control.
What could go wrong….
Wtf I thought we were trying to prevent fires. Why do this now look at what has happened near Healdsburg?I can’t even begin to wrap my head around this kind of nonsense!!!
There are prescribed burns happening all over California right now. However, there is an enormous amount of dry fuel out there, stronger winds, and in the heat of summer. This is reckless, given the conditions. There are slop overs from RX burns happening. Stop doing them at this time of year! It’s windy right now, and they’re starting a burn at Nelson Ranch in 30 minutes ?
On a red flag warning type of day! At least it is over the hump in Lake County.
WTF CDF don’t you have enough work to do at the moment?
Best of luck.