Monday, September 2, 2024

News, Growth, and Gratitude: Celebrating Four Years of MendoFever

Me and my boy at Van Damme State Beach

Four years ago, downtown Covelo witnessed a devastating fire that left several buildings in ruins. The arsonist remains at large, but the news outlet that first brought the story to light, MendoFever, continues to thrive.

My name is Matt LaFever and I am sole operator behind MendoFever. The journey has been transformative both for the outlet and for me. This year, I welcomed my first child into the world, and amidst the joy and challenges of new parenthood, my commitment to delivering news to Mendocino County remains strong.

I started MendoFever in July 2020, spurred by a mix of doubt and determination. The tragic Covelo fire became our first breaking story, and since then, MendoFever has navigated a bustling landscape of crime, cannabis, fires, storms, and moments of grace and community. Mendocino County’s dynamic news environment is more than any single outlet can cover, but we strive to bring you the stories that resonate.

At the heart of local journalism are relationships. I write about the streets I drive, the neighbors I wave to, the place I call home. Driving around Mendocino County, I constantly think about what stories can lead to a better life for my family, my neighbors, and myself.

Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or are just discovering MendoFever, we thank you for your trust and support. If MendoFever has become a go-to source for local news, consider donating to help us keep this vital service running. Though I strive to make it look easy, it’s not.

You can support MendoFever in several ways:

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Thank you, readers, for your support and trust. MendoFever strives to keep the community informed across the vast vistas that make up our home. Here’s to many more years of serving Mendocino County and celebrating life’s milestones together.

Reach out if you know a story that needs to be told.

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  1. Thomas Jefferson wrote from Paris to Edward Carrington, whom Jefferson sent as a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1786 to 1788, on the importance of a free press to keep government in check. He concludes that if he had to choose between “a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”

    It is noble work you do.

  2. Congratulations Matt. I’ve been a reader since day one. This is my go to spot for local news since I am not on social media at all. I appreciate your coverage and all you do. I know you and others work hard to keep this website running. And I know this is not even your day job. I submit videos and photos when I can to help you out and I appreciate it when you post them. Thank you.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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