Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sailboat Washes Ashore on Iconic Mendocino Beach

The sailboat stranded on Portuguese Beach this morning [Photo by Rob Somerton]

Locals and tourists alike were surprised to find a sailboat named the “Not Sure” washed ashore on one of the Mendocino Coast’s most iconic beaches this morning.

The vessel was discovered on the sands of Portuguese Beach, part of Mendocino Headlands State Park. California State Park’s Ranger Loren Rex provided details about the incident.

Ranger Rex told us that upon discovering the vessel, a search was immediately conducted with the assistance of a helicopter. However, it was quickly canceled once the solo occupant was found ashore and checked by personnel from the Mendocino Volunteer Fire Department. The man was in good health.

This photo shows the precarious angle the boat came to rest on when it washed ashore [Photo sent by Robert Dominy]

“At this point, rather than try and tow the boat off the sand, personnel are opting to allow the tidal waters to do the work for them,” said Ranger Rex. When the waters rise around 3:00 p.m. they hope the boat will smoothly get pulled back out to sea. If necessary, personnel from the United States Coast Guard will be dispatched to conduct an active tow.

Ranger Rex believes the boat washed ashore after it slipped off its anchor and drifted onto the sands of southern Portuguese Beach. He noted that this was fortunate, as the area is known for its jagged rocks, which could have easily destroyed the vessel.

Ranger Rex said this incident underscores the importance for all boaters to always have a plan when things go sideways.

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  1. It’s great to be on a ship with men
    And sail across the sea-oh
    We don’t know where we’ll land or when
    But it’s great to be with men!
    (It’s great to be with men!)

    Cuz men can sweat
    And men can stink
    And no one seems to care-o
    We’ll throw the dishes in the sink
    And clog the drain with hair-o
    (Clog the drain with hair-o)

    [Chorus 1]
    Men Men Men
    It’s a ship all filled with men
    So baton down the ladies’ room.
    There’s no one here but…MEN


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFeverhttps://mendofever.com/
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at matthewplafever@gmail.com if you know a story that needs to be told.

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