The following is a monthly letter written by Mendocino County’s 3rd District Supervisor John Haschak to constituents:
With fall colors in abundance and wet ground and creeks running, we are truly fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Willits has a new firehouse, Laytonville is getting a new ambulance and library, and several projects are brewing in Covelo. Covid numbers are down, students are back in school, and cool skies are filled with rain clouds. We have much to be thankful for in Mendocino County.
Our prayers for rain were answered. Fire season came to a quick end but the drought is still with us. Before the atmospheric river hit, a reporter from the Washington Post interviewed me about the hauling of water from Ukiah to Fort Bragg and drought conditions in inland Mendocino County. The day after the rain event, he called and asked if the drought was over. I told him that the long term drought resiliency work is just beginning. We need to be much better prepared next time, that we aren’t going to be hauling water to the coast again, and that we need a better understanding of the water we have and have greater storage capacity.
Redistricting is going forward quickly. With the census numbers showing that the 3rd District has to lose some residents and the 4th district (Fort Bragg, Caspar, Westport, Branscomb, Leggett) has to gain some, there has been real concern throughout the 3rd District about how it will affect us. Besides the numbers, we need to consider the Communities of Interest. Laytonville Water District organized a community town hall (thank you Jim Shields). Commissioners and staff from the Redistricting Committee attended. They heard the concerns and drafted new maps reflecting the desire of the larger Laytonville community to stay as much as possible in the 3rd District. That is what representative democracy looks like and I hope the final outcome reflects those voiced concerns.
The American Legion Posts around the district will be recognizing Veteran’s Day on the 11th. Post 174 will raise the flag at the County Museum at 9:00 am. Your continued service is greatly appreciated.
You can always contact me at or 707-972-4214.