Thursday, December 26, 2024

Check Out KMUD’s Mendocino County 5th District Supervisor Candidate Forum

[Left to Right] MendoFever’s Matt LaFever, 5th District Supervisor Ted Williams, Challenger John Redding, KMUD’s Lauren Schmitt

Last night, KMUD News hosted a candidate forum bringing together both candidates for Mendocino County’s 5th District incumbent Ted Williams and challenger John Williams.

The candidates spoke about many issues facing Mendocino County’s 5th district including drought, cannabis policy, housing scarcity, and much more.

Watch the debate in its entirety below:

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  1. We as a society are reaping what we’ve sown. Bottom line. We took prayer out of school, Ten Commandments out of public buildings. Kicked God out. So go ahead and deal with the “issues”. The issues are just gonna get worse. I have lived here almost all my life. I believe in God. Without Godly values it will never get better, your wasting your time. I want someone to represent MY values. Who’s representing MY values. This county is killing hope with the all the dope. Marijuana is only helping the growers and the county. I see zero benefit from that industry. And housing for people? Everyone should have housing…. Normal working people here cannot even afford to rent much less dream of home ownership. So what’s the point? We need places to touch nature, to grow gardens. Food gardens and flowers.Leave the forest alone. Wildlife need their habitat untouched. Respect all life, if you can snuff out an innocent life in the womb then what life will you respect. Respect LIFE! All life. Period. We can move forward while honoring old fashioned values.

      • I only wish the Choir was a 60/40 split in favor of expanding beyond Marijuana instead of the 70/30 split they hold now and the changing of the guard is the only way out. We The people want one thing and the $5 dollar donation we make to the campaign get drowned by the big weed bolster of $1k so they get their candidate and we get the podium to try and sway a well financially bolstered politician. We need only look to the dry wells and fire like the “Broiler Incident” in Redwood Valley to see what big weed does to our county districts individually and as a whole.

  2. Both are able candidates. Each have different pulses about the needs of District 5. I heard different views of those needs. I believe Ted Williams is of the “top- down guard” by his endorsements list of National unions that are im-planters of Progressive ideology having no end in sight, which hasn’t worked for our people needing , at the minimum, health and dental care, housing, processes more navigable, resistance to State policy and policy changes which constrict particular communities and State Sovereignty but renders USA a generic Federal oligarchical area.
    I believe Mendocino County will be able to flourish while meeting the needs of its peoples.
    I didn’t appreciate Mr Williams exampling the “the race card” with his distain using the term of China virus, denying it is a fact the origin of the virus was Wuhan China and drawing that topic into an election inappropriately!That is an example of the top-down rhetoric originating from Progressive Generic ideology.
    Although Im in another District, Good luck District 5; hope you can elect Mr Redding to gain better independent representation !

  3. Mr. Williams claims he likes to “follows the science”.
    what specific science would that be?
    can he describe any papers and authors or is he simply relying on the county health officer?

    in my view your “science” did not prevent the spread of the C-19, even with all the shots, boosters, masking and isolation. what your “science” did accomplish was shutting down this county and placing many folks out of business and much worse. it also put federal $ in your pocket, shut down access to board meetings and gave you a free pass on getting things done and ignoring your constituents, et al. not much in the way of public service.

  4. Winds of Change coming

    President Joe Biden’s job approval rating over the Memorial Day weekend is underwater in 47 states, including the typically dark blue California and his home state of Delaware, according to the CIVIQS rolling job approval average.
    Get Lefty supervisors out too if mail in fake ballots do not overwhelm the true vote.

    In Person voting with ID


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
For the past seven years, Matt LaFever has covered the North Coast of California in both print and radio news. A Humboldt State graduate, he has lived in the Emerald Triangle for nearly 20 years. His reporting spans local issues like crime and wildfires. When not writing, Matt is an avid outdoorsman, exploring Northern California’s rugged landscapes. Reach out to him at

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