Sunday, September 15, 2024

Six Blackhawk Helicopters Make a Pit Stop at the Ukiah Airport This Afternoon

Footage of the Blackhawks captured by local Bradley Beck

‘It was hard to miss the roar of military helicopters over inland Mendocino County this afternoon. Around 5:00 p.m. local social media began to buzz with reports of sightings from around the county.

Army pilots flew a total of six Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks over Mendocino County airspace landing briefly at the Ukiah Municipal Airport to refuel. They came in two waves of three approximately thirty minutes apart.

Long-time local and reader Bradley Beck was lucky enough to be at the Ukiah Airport and get the scoop and great footage of the impressive military machinery.

Beck spoke with one of the pilots who said they had flown from Washington State bound for the Bay Area.

All six of the choppers topped off with fuel spending nearly $12,000 to fuel up at our municipal airport.

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  1. They needed some fuel I guess. And to stretch their legs. It was over a 5 hour flight from Washington State to Ukiah. But one of the pilots told me they were headed to the Bay Area. He wouldn’t tell me exactly where they took off from. Or where their final destination was other than the Bay Area. The fuel truck operator told me each helicopter took on about 250 gallons of Jet A fuel.

  2. They all flew right over my house and I could tell by the loud sound , that they were military. I have to admit that for a brief moment….I was just a little concerned! ?
    Glad to see this story explaining their presence.

  3. Ther were several that flew over my house on the coast! Literally right the ocean, house level. 4 at a time, 2 a time, all in formation.

  4. UH-60M Blackhawk have a range of 370 miles without external takes. Per flight tracking data they left Washington and stopped in Newport OR, and then Crescent City. After that, here in Ukiah and finally at SFO.

    The first group after leaving Ukiah went around the valley and did a touch and go, then proceeded south. I assume it’s training and refueling but did not talk to any of the crew myself.

  5. I’d rather a convicted straight fellon, willing to defend and maintain what has kept this country free, simple, and our right to protect our kids, families and everything we’ve sacrificed our whole lives for, rather than some silver spoon fed hypocritical government owned puppet!!!! I’d rather be a fellon any day then the one who winds up hiding behind us, at least we live in honesty

    • Very well said Tastyy! One could embellish even further but why bother? It’s a total waste of time on people with that level of TDS.


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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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