Thursday, September 19, 2024

Police Seize Thousands of Marijuana Plants in Clearlake Raids

The following is a press release from the Clearlake Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

One of the hoop houses raided by the Clearlake Police Department [Photograph from the Clearlake Police]

On 7/25/2024, Clearlake Police, Clearlake Code Enforcement Officers, Lakeport Police, and the Lake County DA’s Office served search warrants at five residences on Emile Av. and Lenore Av. in Clearlake.

During the service of the warrants, one thousand nine hundred twenty-eight (1928) marijuana plants were seized. Additionally, processed marijuana, firearms, ammunition, and unlawful cannabis vape pens were seized. The residences had rooms inside that were set up for indoor growing and/or drying, and manufacturing of vape pens. However, most of the marijuana plants were outdoors in hoop houses. Based on the size of the growing operation and other factors, they were determined to be unlawful.

Eight people were arrested related to the illegal marijuana growing operations and additional charges. A ninth person had charges referred to the district attorney’s office.

Lakeport Detective Juan Altamirano helped out by writing and obtaining two of the search warrants. Detective Altamirano’s help is greatly appreciated.

The Clearlake Police Department and Code Enforcement continually investigate illegal commercial growing operations and unpermitted grows within the city of Clearlake.

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    • It’s 1 pic of 1 greenhouse. I’m sure there are others. Do you need a pic of each individual plant to grasp the numbers involved? You’re an idiot!

          • Not quite. You’re going to have to breach 2,000 before the word “thousands” applies. Plural can be confusing to some smooth-brains like yourself. Sorry I had to explain that to you. I hope you’re not too embarrassed!

            • I understand it’s difficult for a know it all blow hard like yourself to be proven wrong, much less admit it, but Google it & realize that even an intellectual giant like yourself can sometimes be wrong.

              • Sorry, mr idiot. google isn’t always the best source, especially for an intellectual giant like myself.

                I’ll bet you accept google’s definition of a woman, too.

                • Nope. Just that of a bitch. With the name Peckerham next to it. You earn the hate. Can’t imagine how alone you are in life. You earn that too.

                  • A mental midget spews profanities.

                    Feeling hateful is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Don’t hate. It isn’t good for your soul, grasshopper.

                    I will pray for your salvation. You have certainly earned that.

                    • Your only goal is to incite negative reactions so you can carry on with your holier than thou persona. You clearly are bigoted, racist & narcissistic. Your every comment proves your reprehensible character & ignorant world views. Here’s what I know, having known far too many a fool like yourself. You have no relationships. Not with family, friends, & certainly not romantic. You have no children. No chance you got that far with a woman before she realized that would be a collasel mistake. You’re completely & utterly alone. You’ve convinced yourself that reason you’re so lonely & adrift in life is because nobody understands your genius & are therefore blind to the truths as you know them to be. You’re probably addicted to porn & have a dog or a cat or both. Not that theres any correlation between porn & pets, but it wouldn’t surprise me in your case. In short, you’re a hateful, spiteful loser. Congratulations! You’ve successfully annoyed me. Save your prayers to the magic man in the sky for yourself. If you’re the kind of work he turns out, I’d rather not be affiliated with him.

  1. crack crimefighting tex
    we are all so much safer now
    excellent use of five agencies, the courts
    im sure this will teachem and be on the straight and narrow

  2. Police Blotter

    Incident Report: Massive Operation at Saveway

    Date: August 1, 2024
    Time: 3:45 PM
    Location: Saveway, 123 Main Street


    At 3:45 PM, an extravagant multi-agency operation descended upon Saveway to apprehend Ms. Ethel Winters, 94, for allegedly purchasing a $7 bottle of whiskey with an expired license.

    Details of Incident:

    Alert: A vigilant clerk spotted the expired license and informed the manager.
    Agencies Involved:

    Local Police Department: Six patrol cars.
    County Sheriff’s Office: Four deputies.
    State Liquor Control Board: Three agents.
    Special Response Units: Two SWAT teams, one K9 unit, and a helicopter.


    Ms. Winters was cited and escorted home. The total cost of the operation is estimated to be several million dollars.

    Public Reaction:

    Many questioned the need for such an expensive and extensive response.

    Official Statement:

    “We prioritize enforcing liquor laws,” said Chief Max Overkill. “This serves as a reminder to keep your identification current.”

    End of Report

    • I only wish it was true. Lake county needs a lot more enforcement. Even the elderly need to face the music when they commit crimes. Lots of toxic old tweakers parasitizing lake county these days.

      • Wrong, adding more police to an area with decades of economic stagnation, decline, and disadvantage isn’t a solution for rising crime due to several elementary reasons:

        Root Causes: Crime often stems from poverty, lack of education, and unemployment. Policing doesn’t address these issues .
        Community Relations: Increased police presence can strain already tense relationships between law enforcement and residents, reducing cooperation and trust .
        Resource Allocation: Funds for policing could be more effective if used for education, job training, and social services, which address the root causes of crime .

        Thus, addressing underlying socio-economic factors is essential for long-term crime reduction.

        1. Root Causes of Crime – Poverty and Unemployment
        2. Education and Crime Reduction
        3. Community-Police Relations

  3. I think it’s a waste of taxpayers money you know there’s way harder drugs especially in Clear Lake like Fentanyl and heroin this is the tax thing like prohibition is their property now if they had any illegal guns that’s one thing and making illegal vape pens that’s another

    • No doubt that there is cash a plenty as well as other shit that’s well stashed and buried.
      It appears that they need to do a more diligent search with some well trained canines that can sniff it out.

      • Wow. You are a very special man if you think that is true. I’m starting to think you really are one of those really bored people with nothing better to do besides try to piss people off on the internet. Bet nobody will talk to you in real life. That’s really sad. I honestly feel bad for you. You should try to make a friend, before we see you on a truecrime netflix show.
        Oh and there have been TWEEKERS in Lake County as far back as I can remember and I’m 40. There are tweekers literally everywhere. Just MORE in Lake County.


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