Today, former Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman was sworn in as resident deputy for the coastal community of Shelter Cove. The ceremony was streamed live on Facebook- you can watch it here.
Humboldt County Sheriff Billy Honsal said that having a resident deputy in the community has been a goal for years.
“It’s going to take a couple weeks to get him trained up,” Honsal half-joked noting that it has been awhile since Allman has some of the day to day
Honsal thanked and credited outgoing Supervisor Estelle Fennel, a resident of the area, for her work in helping pass Measure Z which has provided the funds that pays for the position.
Supervisor Fennell said she was delighted to have Allman in the area. She explained she’s known him for a long time, “He’s the best you could have.”
The current Mendocino Sheriff Matt Kendall praised Allman as a problem solver.
Allman thanked the community and said he wanted them to call him Tom. “Starting in January, you’ll see community meetings…that I want you to come and tell us what the problems are.”
Allman said he will be living in Shelter Cove at least four days a week soon.
Reprinted with permission from Kym Kemp’s Redheaded Blackbelt
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