Sunday, September 15, 2024

Former Mendocino Sheriff Tom Allman Sworn In as Resident Deputy of Shelter Cove for Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office

Humboldt County Sheriff Billy Honsal swears in new Shelter Cove Resident Deputy Tom Allman [Screenshot for HCSO’s Facebook video of event]

Today, former Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman was sworn in as resident deputy for the coastal community of Shelter Cove. The ceremony was streamed live on Facebook- you can watch it here.

Humboldt County Sheriff Billy Honsal said that having a resident deputy in the community has been a goal for years.

“It’s going to take a couple weeks to get him trained up,” Honsal half-joked noting that it has been awhile since Allman has some of the day to day

Honsal thanked and credited outgoing Supervisor Estelle Fennel, a resident of the area, for her work in helping pass Measure Z which has provided the funds that pays for the position.

Supervisor Fennell said she was delighted to have Allman in the area. She explained she’s known him for a long time, “He’s the best you could have.”

The current Mendocino Sheriff Matt Kendall praised Allman as a problem solver.

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Allman thanked the community and said he wanted them to call him Tom. “Starting in January, you’ll see community meetings…that I want you to come and tell us what the problems are.”

Allman said he will be living in Shelter Cove at least four days a week soon.

Reprinted with permission from Kym Kemp’s Redheaded Blackbelt

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Matt LaFever
Matt LaFever
I have been an Emerald Triangle resident since 2006 and this is year ten in Mendocino County. Please, email me at if you know a story that needs to be told.

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