Scanner traffic last night at approximately 9 o’clock indicated a 25-year-old male had sought treatment for a gunshot wound to his “lower back/buttocks” at Willits’s Howard Memorial Hospital. The patient was transferred to a Santa Rosa hospital due to the injuries being “traumatic.”
Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Captain Greg Van Patten told us this morning the male told investigators he was walking along Highway 101, heard a loud bang, blacked out, and awoke in the hospital.
Captain Van Patten said the subject did not provide “much of any cooperation” and he “turns out to be a gang member from LA.”
“A search of Highway 101 where this reportedly occurred developed no obvious signs of evidence,” Captain Van Patten added.

It is worth noting that yesterday at approximately noon, Ukiah Police Department responded to 1998 Elm Street in response to reports of gunshots in the area.
Scanner traffic indicated a BoLO (Be on the Lookout) had been issued by the Ukiah Police Department for a dark blue Honda sedan occupied by three males who reportedly fired a gun.
Ukiah Police Department Lieutenant Andrew Phillips told us there were “no injuries” associated with the shooting but “one vehicle appeared to have been struck by a bullet.”
A neighbor told us that she had heard between 5-6 gunshots and then law enforcement quickly responded to the scene.
Ha Ha Ha Thieves beware mountains are full of guns..