Get ready, folk. The next couple of days could be a doozy. The National Weather Service is predicting that the Emerald Triangle will see significant snow over the next 36 hours, potentially impacting roadways as temperatures drop and snow levels as well.
A Winter Weather Advisory issued by the NWS Office in Eureka predicted inland snow fell significantly in Trinty County this last night. The storm’s impact on Mendocino County is predicted to start Monday when snow levels could drop as low as 1,000 feet.
A Facebook post on the NWS Eureka Office page said meteorologists “are still assessing the chance for a coating to locally an inch or two along some of the Highway 101 passes or even parts of Highway 20 into Lake County, as snow levels fall to 1000 feet (possibly even lower?!?) by Tuesday.”
The NWS warns “Travel could be very difficult. The hazardous conditions could impact the evening commute.