24-year-old Riley Hsieh left his Brooktrails home around noon on Monday, March 27, 2023. Aside from a couple of chance sightings, he has not been seen since.
Yesterday, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Search and Rescue volunteers combed the area and will return to the area today to continue looking for the missing man.
MCSO Captain Greg Van Patten told us twelve MendoSAR personnel including K9 tracking resources searched the area yesterday. These efforts did not result in any leads and more search and rescue personnel from out-of-area agencies will be assisting in the search for Hsieh today.
Information released by MCSO indicates Hsieh left his Brooktrails home on Hawk Terrace around 11:15 a.m. on Monday. Around noon, he was seen near the Willits Airport. The final possible sighting was around 3:15 p.m. “possibly near his home on Hawk Terrace.”
Jenna Hsieh, Riley’s sister, said her brother has “no history of leaving without telling anyone. His phone is off which is very unusual.”
Jenna told us her brother could possibly be “suffering a mental health crisis” related to the death of a family member.
Jenna reached out to her brother’s friends and, “none of them have heard from him so I really am at a loss as to where else he might be.”
Riley often went on long walks around him. Jenna said her brother “likes to be in nature and meditate” often walking near Lake Emily, the airport, and the disc golf course. He likely has a Buddha statue and a prayer bowl with him.”
Riley John Hsieh is 24 years old and described as an Asian American adult. He was last seen wearing a gray robe, blue pants, and carrying a light blue or green bag. Jenna said her brother “wears contacts but he might be wearing glasses” and likely appears “very thin and he looked disheveled when he left.”

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office asks that residents of the Brooktrails “check their exterior facing security cameras from Monday (03-27-23) at 11:15 AM to date in an attempt to locate any footage of Riley.”
If anyone has information that could help in the search for Riley Hsieh, call the Sheriff’s Office 24-hour dispatch center at (707)463-4086.
First im hearing of this. I live in Brooktrails, although I dont recognize this kid. I’m maybe a quarter mile from the airport, & frequent the golf/disc course, or at the very least drive pass it often. I’ve seen zero presence of law enforcement or searches happening? No door to door? Seems strange.
It is now week 2! Riley is still missing!!! We can not forget to keep looking!