The following is a press release issued by the California Highway Patrol Garberville Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On March 14, 2023 at approximately 1930 hours, E. Rodriguez Vizcarra was operating a 2005 Polaris Sportsman on Mexico Ridge Road south of Mendocino Pass Road within unincorporated Mendocino County. For reason still under investigation, Vizcarra lost control of the Polaris while traveling down a steep portion of the dirt roadway and he failed to negotiate a sharp curve towards his right. The Polaris left the roadway and overturned down an embankment. Subsequently, Vizcarra was ejected from the Polaris and he succumbed to his injuries on scene.
The California Highway Patrol, Cal Fire, Medi Star Ambulance, Covelo Fire Department, and the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department all responded to the scene. This collision remains under investigation by the California Highway Patrol – Garberville Area.
Accidental ? There sure are alot if people dying in that area. And for some reason answers are few. Maybe its time the national guard. Cleaned the place up. Obviously the sheriffs are unwilling. Or possibly unable to accomplish the task ? Organized. Crime still makes money from pot. They are growing it by the ton