43-year-old Covelo resident Randall Aaron Britton, president of the Round Valley Indian Tribe who was recalled in May, was arrested early this morning for driving under the influence of alcohol. [Britton is challenging the recall]
According to the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office Booking Logs, Britton faces two misdemeanors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol indicating that law enforcement found him too impaired to drive and found his blood alcohol content .08% or higher.
The offense date is listed as 5:06 a.m. today and he was booked into the Mendocino County jail at 8:01 a.m. His bail is set at $5,000 and as of publication, he has yet to be released.
We attempted to get more information from the California Highway Patrol Garberville Office but learned the public information officer is out of the office until next Monday.
Remember, any charges associated with this incident have not been proven in a court of law. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any individual described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
“EX”-president. He was recalled in a Recall Election last month
Too many bad decisions by people like Randall. Relatives and supporters enable people here to continue to make bad decisions. Time to stand up and call this behavior what it is: detrimental to the person, the community and the entire Tribe. We can be better than this. Educate yourself and your kids!
Him and everyone else.
If you look at the fine publication The AVA you will see usually 6 of 10 arrested for a dui. This is a daily occurrence in this lovely county.
I feel this article helps flame the already prevalent hate and ignorance we all could do without. But news is news…I guess?
Most DUI are arrests are not people in power. If a mayor, a
councilman, a cop, a priest was to get a DUI, you bet it’d be written up.
If they really wanted to stop a huge percentage of dui’s then alcohol would stop being served in establishments such as bars and restaurants, or perhaps require those drinking to call a ride. People are drinking constantly because it’s acceptable. It’s so acceptable that our leaders, teachers, cops, doctors and our children engage in the release provided by alcohol.
Roughly 1/3 of car accidents are alcohol related.
Each of these alcoholic articles written to elicit comments about cultural differences between races, professions, genders or other devisive categories should be followed by a list of resources for alcohol treatment and for assistance for families of alcoholics because
otherwise we are just pointing fingers at someone’s untreated, self-medicated mental health issues.
Hey Matt, why don’t you grow a pair and write the best article of your life about the ravages of alcohol culture in our county, country and world.
Or start a “DUIS of the Day” section and get ready to write your ass off because this shit is constant. I saw at least 100 people drive away fully intoxicated from the fair a few weeks ago.
What does this have to do with me growing a pair?
Get real brave and write the real story of alcohol culture behind all this local news. I sense you are holding back. Maybe confronting big alcohol is too dangerous. I know I can’t talk about it with my real name. We are counting on you to bring it to light. I’m sorry I mentioned your pair needing to grow. Maybe it’s my own pair of tits that needs to expand. ?