Friday, March 14, 2025

‘The Circle of Death’: Mendocino Sheriff Addresses Toxic Chemicals Found on Illegal Cannabis Grows

The following is a message to Mendocino County composed by Sheriff Matt Kendall and published on his agency’s Facebook page:

A toxic chemical on top of a water tank on an illegal cannabis grow [All photographs provided by Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office]

Following the legalization of marijuana, I answer a lot of questions regarding why we are continuing to dedicate resources to the marijuana issues in Mendocino County. Many folks, including myself, hoped the legalization of marijuana would simply end the criminal issues associated with cultivation. Sadly, extremely dangerous behaviors which are associated with the illegal cultivation of marijuana are continuing in our county.

During the month of August 2023, our deputies participated in several search warrants throughout Mendocino County. Over twenty locations were targeted for illegal cannabis, where serious environmental crimes were suspected of taking place. We worked with partnering agencies including California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and California State Parks. We were also assisted by CDFW environmental scientists, California State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Cannabis Control, California Highway Patrol, and the Eradication and Prevention of Illicit Cannabis (EPIC).

During these operations, over 70,000 marijuana plants were located and eradicated. Over 9,000 pounds of processed marijuana and 23 guns were seized.

Out of the 20 locations, more than half had highly dangerous pesticides that are banned in the United States due to their toxic potency. All locations had severe environmental impacts, which included: polluting of the waterways, illegal grading, water diversions, dammed creeks, fuel/oil in the creeks, and water pumps diverting water from creeks. Several of these locations had deplorable living conditions with minimal food. One location had a poached deer.

An insecticide known as “Monitor” found on an illegal cannabis grow

The attached photographs are just a few of the very toxic chemicals we found being used in these grows sites. These chemicals are commonly known as, Monitor, Zinc Phosphide, Methyl Parathion, Methamidophos, Carbofuran, and Weevil-Cide. These are all banned in the United States. These recent issues are becoming a pattern.

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Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety
Western Vegetation Control - Weed Abatement, Mosquito/Tick Control, Fire Safety

These items can poison waterways and leave lands uninhabitable. The chemicals used have been described as “a circle of death”. Research has shown a quarter teaspoon can kill a 400-pound bear in minutes, scavengers then feed on the carcass and are also poisoned. This cycle continues until the chemical has killed several times.

Many of these chemicals were banned from the US markets in 2009 however we are continuing to see them in the illegal grow sites. These chemicals have likely been smuggled from Mexico and South American Countries.

This is creating a dangerous situation for persons tending the grow sites as well as the law enforcement teams who are investigating and eradicating the sites. As we continue to investigate these grow sites, we have adjusted our tactics in an attempt to keep our personnel safe. Working with the state’s environmental scientists has been a great assistance. I am hopeful state and federal resources may help us get a clear picture of what our next steps will be in the remediation of these locations.

Sheriff Matt Kendall

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  1. If this was a large company with a name, everyone knows, & with deep pockets. There would be protesters in front of courthouse, calls for huge fines, names printed in newspapers & media coverage at sites. Yet no one sees the names of the poisoning persons or is EPA around,
    no one is usually arrested, only usually detained and can just walk away with no real complete punishment. Thank you to Sheriff’s and Fish & Game. All units responding within the laws. But I blame Governor Newsom for no emergency or proactive prevention of this environmental disaster, in our county. It’s appalling how this can happen & how ignored by media, the offenders are. But mostly I feel badly for law enforcement and neighbors in criminal ridden areas having to live & deal with the consequences. Lower property value, guns, possible threats to life and wildlife plus horrible abuse of water sheds. It amazes me how hypocrisy runs so deep in this state. Only grand stand..mass media companies, get politicians rebuke. Oil companies especially. But huge devastating grows by anonymous Illegal growers, get no printed nanes or rebuke in media.

  2. Angelcat…Agreed. But I’m wondering, if some of the illegal chemicals are being smuggled in from Mexico, one can only assume that they’re being used there as well. So why is 75% of the produce in our grocery stores from Mexico? How do we know this poison isn’t being used on those crops as well?

    • Unfortunately our grocery stores are owned by multi fauceted for profit only global asset management services. We don’t know how these food products are grown. This county used to grow green beans, pears, walnuts, cherries and many agricultural crops. But people don’t get addicted to berries or bacon. Addiction is being sold and normalized as a local boom to economy, which is a lie. Because the problem is global addiction is needed and more addicts is needed for profits. People are choosing addiction over food production. Because thats how addiction works.

  3. By all means continue allowing big wine to spray glyphosate in perpetuity to avoid having to pay people to pull weeds away from the vines. Don’t forget the benzene!!?


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