The following is a press release issued by the City of Ukiah:

On the south side (Mill to Gobbi), crews will continue installing the new water infrastructure. There will be some temporary interruptions to water service as the system is switched from the old to the new. In every case, those affected property/business owners will be individually contacted at least 72 hours in advance. Not all properties are affected, and access to all properties will be maintained.
Following the work on the water infrastructure, new storm drains will be installed along the west side of the street; work will progress from south (Gobbi) to the north (near Mill).
On the north side (Norton to Henry), construction crews will continue work on the “joint trench,” which will hold the new underground electric lines, as well as phone and cable lines. Immediately upon the completion of work in each section, steel plates will be placed across the trench to allow vehicular access.
Oops! There were some unexpected delays, so tree removal and sidewalk demolition did not occur on the week of October 9th (obviously). That work is now expected to occur during the week of October 16th: sidewalk demolition will begin on the southeast side of State (near the intersection of Henry/State). The first thing that will occur is the removal of the existing street trees. After the tree removal, the removal of the old sidewalks will begin. As with Phase One (in the downtown core), temporary, ADA-compliant sidewalks will be installed with base rock immediately following demolition. Also, we are committed to not demolishing any sections that can’t be replaced with new in a reasonable period of time. Once a section of sidewalk is removed, the curbs and gutters will be poured. Then, the electric lines for the street lights and the irrigation lines will be installed; then the new sidewalk section can be poured. Pedestrian access to each building/business will be maintained at all times.
Where will the work occur? Installing water services on the south side, working northbound from Gobbi/State; joint trench work will continue on the north side, primarily in the area between Scott and Norton. Also on the north side, tree removal and sidewalk demo, per above.
What are the construction days/hours? Construction hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Will there be dust and noise? Yes. There will be some dust and fairly significant noise associated with both sections of work.
Will there be any disruptions to parking access or streets? Yes. On-street parking in the construction zone will be closed. Pedestrian access to businesses will be maintained at all times. Through traffic on State Street will be allowed in both directions. Traffic signals at Gobbi/State and Mill/State will be on flash.