Our initial reporting directly below was based on dispatches from emergency officials on the scene and proved incorrect. For the accurate version of events, refer to the 7 o'clock update below
A pedestrian lost their life this afternoon despite the life-saving efforts of emergency personnel after being struck by a vehicle near Ukiah’s South State Street and Gobbi Street.
Scanner traffic began around 5:19 p.m. indicating a subject was unresponsive in the roadway outside the Ukiah Co-Op.
Dispatch also got reports of a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle in the same area around the same time.
Despite some initial confusion by first responders at the scene, the Incident Commander confirmed the unresponsive subject was the pedestrian struck by a vehicle.
Emergency personnel began CPR at 5:24 p.m. They stopped their efforts approximately 25 minutes later.
UPDATE 7:00 p.m.: We have learned that the fatality near the Ukiah Co-op was likely not the result of a vehicle versus pedestrian collision but a possible medical event.
Ukiah resident Colton McPherson reached out and told us he was the first to notice a man stopped at the stop sign near the Co-op seemingly “asleep”. Concerned, he attempted to rouse the driver but got “no response” after which he “delegated a a bystander to call 911, checked for breathing and a pulse but found none and I removed him from his vehicle, checked to make sure he wasn’t choking on anything and the initiated CPR.”
We have reached out to Ukiah Police Department for confirmation of these details but as of 7:00 p.m. two other community members have corroborated McPherson’s story watching the decedent be pulled from a vehicle after which CPR was conducted.
With these latest developments, we have changed the original title from “Pedestrian Fatally Struck by Vehicle Near Ukiah Co-op” to “Driver Passes Away After Possible Medical Event Near Ukiah Co-op”
Please remember that this story is unfolding. Information is being reported as we gather it. However, some of the information coming from witnesses and initial official reports could be wrong. We will do our best to get the facts but, in the case that something is inaccurate, we will update with correct information as soon as we can.
Thank you bystanders who took action!
Colton McPherson is a HERO and a complete stand up human !!
I watched Colton as he drove passed the poor man and didn’t hesitate whatsoever in stopping his car as other vehicles following him .
His only concern was the gentleman in his car and his head slumped down
Once those of us close to the scene understood what’s going on you could feel the atmosphere kick from revolt to taking control of the scene and getting traffic cleared in a safe orderly fashion
I’m so very proud of Colton and everybody helping the scene and hope if I’m ever in need or one of family that those people are the summoned Angels …
God clearly was present for that man ! And couldn’t have called on anybody else but those who answered His call God Bless you all
I agree completely…
If more people were more observant of their fellow man and less ‘revolted’ by what I’m almost positive is perceived as a ‘drug related’ incident (and even if it is) and we’re willing to help, then maybe more lives could be saved. Unfortunately this man didn’t survive but maybe his family and friends will find comfort in the knowledge that everything humanly possible was done .
God Bless Colton McPherson for his efforts..
What’s a medical event? Over dose?
Heart attack, stroke, seizure, etc
This is my good friend John Mark who shockingly passed away at the stop sign in front of the CoOp. Rest in Peace sweet John Mark!
Than you Julia for letting us know his name. I’ve wondered. And have kept him & his family deep in thought and in my prayers.
Will there be a memorial? Or has it already taken place ?
It doesn’t seem as though the local news has anything left to say.
Colton, thank you for your efforts. You definitely went way beyond being a just a decent citizen. I commend you! The man in question was a friend of mine. I can tell you that he was the kindest man you would ever want to meet. He was loved by many and a friend of many more. I met him when I joined the local pickelball club and often teamed up with him to take on and upset better players than ourselves. We would stay behind after play and just talk away about things that concerned us. His name was John, however I called him Johnny on the court, as in a young boy, …because he was just full of life and love and endeavored to better his skills on the pickelball court. I know the entire club will miss him. Once again Colton, thank you for all you did.
Wow. This is truly a loss of an amazing individual. So intelligent compassionate caring and full of life. Truly if anyone has info on services would be good to know and honor this Man